iPod song transfers?


New member
Hi folks,

I've got some issues to enquire. I'm using an iPod and I've tried to borrow a friend's iPod to transfer some of his songs to my iTunes. The problem is, I can't.

However, I can transfer my own songs into his iPod upon connecting to my iTunes via my laptop. This can be done by changing the settings to manually updating songs to the iPod. The main issue however is: How do I get the songs from his iPod to transfer into my iTunes/laptop?
There is no copy/paste option and I can't even select any of his songs upon connecting his iPod to my iTunes.

Is there any way to do this? Is it possible at all? Or does Apple prohibit transferring other iPods' songs to other iTunes?

Hope I can get help here. Thanks.
yeah, obviously u cant transfer songs like dat... frm ipod 2 a computer system dat is... like dat it'd make it so easy 2 share mp3.

but u can store yr songs in2 an ipod using a computer wif itunes, juz not e other way round. but u delete yr current playlist n yr ipod takes on the other playlist.

im thinking, i havent tried it yet, using e storage function to transfer songs... coz yr ipod works like a hard drive as well, so it might juz work. :D
U cant "extract" out the songs from the ipod if the songs were transferred in via itunes. Reason being it doesnt work like a usual hard disk.

There are 2 ways to go about getting songs from ur fren, one which is to enable the ipod to be used as a hard disk, and then transfer the songs into the ipod via copy and paste into the ipod drive (not via itunes mind you). This way ur fren can pass the songs to u like using a portable hard drive.

Second way, is to get a copy of CopyPod, a software which allows the extraction of the songs transferred via itunes. But need to pay $$ for the product.

Anymore queries can always go ilounge.com. they have everything u need to know abt the ipod.
juz reveal hidden folders..go to the ipod folder...

den u find a song..there will be like..MANY MANY folders..and the songs isnt by the song name..it does like KTHD those kinda stuff..

so u juz search..hope u noe wad im talkin abt.. :wink:
that will take quite a while if u are talking abt a full 60 GB iPod. And the songs arent even sorted at all. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.
mine is also 60 gb..juz let the computer do the search while u have something to eat or drink. :lol:
Thanks tribalcast for the thorough and visually-aided explanation u've given me.... :D Now i see more worth in the iPod. Haha.

Btw, kid_slacker, u got the idea too huh? Kudos. :wink:
IPod uses hidden folders, just check show hidden folders and you can see your song in your ipod drive...

Yes, ipod prohibited diffrent players to go with different itunes....
i was stumped because of tt once...

but i've since googled it and found a solution..

but since i noe how to..i wont ask u to google it..hehe.. :lol:

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