F feedback New member Jul 9, 2007 #1 Any one know where to change ipod "photo" battery. Mine died - unable to charge or start... Think sim lim have - but how much... At apple - how much??
Any one know where to change ipod "photo" battery. Mine died - unable to charge or start... Think sim lim have - but how much... At apple - how much??
H HarrisonYeo New member Jul 9, 2007 #2 dont think so sim lim have better to go to orchard apple store
jeepers New member Jul 9, 2007 #3 ipod "photo".. definately not under warranty unless you paid them to extend it. so if you send it to apple to do it, it's gonna cost you. but no harm enquiring i guess. in my opinion though, better for you get a new ipod video or sth.
ipod "photo".. definately not under warranty unless you paid them to extend it. so if you send it to apple to do it, it's gonna cost you. but no harm enquiring i guess. in my opinion though, better for you get a new ipod video or sth.
F feedback New member Jul 9, 2007 #4 SIcko - this month over budget.... So many things to pay for - road tax , insurance, new ibanez RG , tyres....... crap//.... Just change the battery how much will it cost... hope not a bomb..
SIcko - this month over budget.... So many things to pay for - road tax , insurance, new ibanez RG , tyres....... crap//.... Just change the battery how much will it cost... hope not a bomb..
R rikki New member Jul 9, 2007 #6 the cost to change it can get you a second hand ipod photo. unless it has certain value to you or what,not worth it to change.
the cost to change it can get you a second hand ipod photo. unless it has certain value to you or what,not worth it to change.
F feedback New member Jul 9, 2007 #7 over rated ipod ??? cause saw on US site - change battery need around USD60
R rikki New member Jul 9, 2007 #8 next time just buy a sony... never ever buy a creative. really suck until cannot suck already.
deathism New member Jul 9, 2007 #11 agreed. i bought creative if f*cked up.. den i spent 700+ to buy a ipod video it f*cked up too. shud've juz gone for iriver or smth. :x
agreed. i bought creative if f*cked up.. den i spent 700+ to buy a ipod video it f*cked up too. shud've juz gone for iriver or smth. :x
H HarrisonYeo New member Jul 9, 2007 #12 my ipod has always been trustly to me drop it into bathtub once also working lol
M Mortichro New member Jul 9, 2007 #13 apple epicenter at orchard.. if u bought it not more than a yr the battery exchange is free... if not.. i think its 50 or 30 dollars or so...
apple epicenter at orchard.. if u bought it not more than a yr the battery exchange is free... if not.. i think its 50 or 30 dollars or so...
kerplunk182 New member Jul 9, 2007 #15 i left my ipod in the fridge for a night without realising. took it out the next day alive :lol:
L letterhead New member Jul 9, 2007 #16 ^ lol why would you do that in the first place.. imo, SONY is the best
holas New member Jul 9, 2007 #18 you bunch of ipod abusers ! hahaha. i just left mine to sleep in the cupboard for a year :lol:
R rikki New member Jul 10, 2007 #19 sony is only good for songs. if you want to watch music videos,movies etc then ipod is the one.