Intro : shirouxkamui


New member
= P ... hi guys.. i am new here... been playing guitar 4 2 years = /.. hehe my influences r mostly lyk GnR, eagles , scorpion, X japan n all.. u noe.. the usual..

i am lyk 17 this year.. juZ grad from SJI ... waitin to go into the damn poly.. slackin at home..

ok.. i am in a band.. i dare not say the name .. = X .. i am the rhythm guitarist >.<... cuZ basically i lyk to slack = P rhythm guitarist = easiest job.. hehe ..
shirouxkamui said:
i am the rhythm guitarist >.<... cuZ basically i lyk to slack = P rhythm guitarist = easiest job.. hehe ..

haha, hell no, unless ur also the leader and vocalist, and share some solos with your lead guitarist, hahaha, anw welcome to soft
oh? someone looking for me? :smt024

instead of the normal welcome, i will give you a little advice - "you are what you want to be"

easy to understand but difficult to execute.

from your intro, you mentioned "damn poly". why is that so? do you not like the poly that you will be going? is it not the course that you would like to take up? then why do you still go then? on one hand, you will become depressed and keep feeling that way for the rest of your life. at the same time, you actually deprive another student who might love to be in that course or poly but could not because there is no more slot left.

"rhythm guitarist = easiest job.. hehe .. "

which position in a soccer team you think is the easiest?

if the band is just jamming for fun and all the members are just learning, this might be ok. but once they reach a stage of proficiency where the smallest detail counts, every member become very critical of each others' playing. if you do not buck up, you will soon find yourself playing by yourself.

i hope you will pick up useful information in SOFT and continue to mature as a musician and better person.
damn that poly.. cuZ the course always start so late = /... i cant wait 4 the school to start >.<

hehe.. but compare to others.. my job sure is easy.. but doesnt mean i am lousy = P..i do however improve myself = )
i was in a school where class can start at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm, 1am and 5am. :lol:

i practically sleep in my car instead of going home.
rhythm guitarist is not easy really.... when you start those fingertwisting chords.. goodness... and another symphony x rhythms.. who wants to play? definitely not me.
hmm..rhythm guitarist doesn't necessarily mean all chords and nothing else..just think hetfield and mustaine..not easy when you gotta sing along too..btw i'm an old boy too..of sji..
Hey shirouxkamui!!! I'm from SJI too... this yr sec4. Haha, nice to see fellow Josephians in SOFT. Welcome to the jungle! xD

Btw, did you play for kindred spirits last year?
Haha.. So you better than the bands that performed ah :D
Anw, my friend's band was the one that played knocking on heavens door... did you hear them?
= S... ok la.. the lead guitarirst not bad.... u heard T43? omg they r lyk.. wth... also the band that played hotel california.. i dunno leh.. they seem all so screw up to me.. their singing -.-.. no comments too..