intro - sabrina

hello welcome to SOFT!!! wow u alr have quite anumber of posts but now den intro.....
Hi and Welcome to SOFT!!

Got a bad feeling that this thread might hit 10 over pages.

My sentiments exactly..

Welcome! Although umm i dont post much but i troll.. oh yes i troll..
hahaha shy la, didn't want to intro earlier!! uh anyway go for playground@momo - great spy experiment, caracal, and two more bands (tbc soon!) are playing :) get tickets from me!

Oops! Sorry!.. Haha.. Didn't know you were part of the ROTA crew as well, so wasn't sure earlier if you're the same Sabrina that's got us playing at the playground..

Hence the 'the'.

:) :)
this page might juz hit 10+ alwaez happens when the girlz intro..

maybe it's time for me to intro myself as well..