Intro - pablo


New member
hi all...33-yr old here,plays :smt035
discovered this great website today & wanna join in d fun...

waiting to start new job selling golf stuff next week (yawn) coz i've been out of gig since europa east coast shut down 'ages' ago...i failed my auditions with bands ever since because :-
A) i'm a lousy guitarist
B) i'm a good guitarist but don't hv dat cool 8) or fierce :evil: guitarist's attitude
C) my Still Got D Blues/Hotel Calif/Sweet Child solo was ok but no feel lah
D) i don't hv high pitch voice ala Sambora to do harmonise/backup vox :smt034
E) i'm too decent to play,look & act like a rock guitarist :oops:
F) i don't read music
G) i took part in Vai's gtr finals,didn't win,didn't get 2 jam with Vai,didn't even get 2 meet Vai,got consolation frm Sheehan instead :smt088 (no offence Billy,u r still my fav bassist)

:cry: it's sad but wat 2 do...hv 2 accept those comments (except d last one) by d bands...d only full marks i've scored is dat "i can rap Cleanin' Out My Closet & play guitar at d same time"...guess i'll just hv 2 keep on trying & practising my 'frigid-ian' mode...NOT !

i played Top40s in club gigs (cari makan brudder aka livelihood) but deep down i'm a rocker who listens & plays a tiny bit of Vai,Gilbert,Satriani,Takasaki & a teenie tiny weenie little bit of Petrucci (by end of 2010,i shd be able to play two DT songs;Under A Glass Moon in real life & Metropolis-Part 1 in my dreams...hee)

hope i'm welcomed make & meet more friends...jam session anyone? (note:fingers stiff but itchy 2 play)
Heya Pablo! Welcome and join in the SOFTivities!

So are you giving up playing in clubs now?
I hope not cos it seems you're really into your guitar thingy. Is it very competitive playing in the club scene? I know jack shit about the club scene. I'm 30 and am a guitarist as well, although I come from a totally different scene from you. My idea of fun is banging out angry, metal music with three of my friends pretending we're still 18 year olds. I've been asked to try out playing in clubs before, but who are we kidding? I'd be terrified! Plus, I go to bed by 10.
thnx, stillwater

hi judaspiss...i dare not say i'm giving up,it's just d market's getting tighter now as compared 2 d 80s/'s not d $$$ coz i've played in free gigs more than paid ones but d scene is just getting smaller...

as for competitiveness,i'm afraid there r thousands of guitarists here & perhaps i don't make d cut coz i'm nowhere near Eddie Gilbert or Paul Danial's bearings man (whom btw were judging me during Vai's guitar finals)

also,being in a band has its politics,backstabbing,jealousy,blah dats d shit dat i hated...but i dreaded most when a band member decides 2 quit in short notice (esp d drummer) dat we hv 2 practise our '10,000' songs all over again...sigh

btw there's nothing wrong with ur idea of fun & acting young...i do dat 4 d moment,i just tot of jamming around,hv fun & perhaps brush up on my playing,choose 2 b cool or fierce & then hope 2 restore a bit of humility...hee

in bed by 10? u're kidding rite?
Lol healthy lifestyle. 3 cheers for judaspiss! Haha.

But anyway, don't worry so much eh pablo, just enjoy what ure doing man. Lol very impt! All the songs you listed down were once my favourite songs to play eh hoho.
yup Newbie,no matter how things suck,life goes on...

unlike any other jobs,playing music for a livelihood didn't give me any stress (except when i'm figuring out some 'cheem' chords frm any Chicago songs or broadway jazz numbers or even playing a 13-song Platters medley!) but it's sad when under certain circumstances,band members' relations got strained,friends became foes,crash cymbals became flying saucers (believe me,i've seen this act in a jam studio a couple of years back)

since music's my passion,i simply just do my thing & enjoy myself...

u can't please everybody...
haha thats the attitude that every musician shld have ! well, what i feel at least kaka.

eh if we got free jams do come down la, we're friendly people! hehe
hello Anubitsch...

thnx Newbie 4 d invite,i'll be happy to 'kepo' around if u guys hv any jam sessions...keep me posted
pablo said:
in bed by 10? u're kidding rite?

Of course I'm kidding! I'm usually in bed by 9 on most nights... :D

Yeah, I know what you mean. We all can do without all the dramas and ego clashes that comes with being in a band. Sometimes friendships disintergrate just because of band related squabbles. But it's part and parcel of being in a band, we just have to know how to handle these type of situations so the band can still go on.

Of course if you're filthy rich like Metallica you can always pay a therapist $40,000 a month for two years to save your band. :D
hello there
good to know that you haven't buried the musical hatchet. people like that are admirable and rare these days.. anyway
welcome to the forum :D
Of course I'm kidding! I'm usually in bed by 9 on most nights...
at 9 i'm usually doing d dishes nowadays... :cry:

i did not realise Metallica's got so much loose change...hee

and sage,i take dat as a compliment & thnx 4 d warm welcome

yeah, the scene here is getting worst n not active/healthy.
musicians cann't make it as a living doing music.
i always sad about those people who doing music here.
sadden me much.

in fact, if guys like Pablo, say, in UK, USA will be a PRO. and no problem keep on doing music for (good )living!!!!

local sceme...

sorry to piont out,
