Intro me to some different playing techniques?


New member
I have been learning scales ans jamming along to various backing track on youtube. (very fun i must say^^)

I wanna know some interesting playing techniques you guys use to make you notes sound nicer. I know the usual bends, slides, hammer-ons......etc

I mean some techniques famous guitarists use. For example on Sweet child, Slash has like quad-plets and triplets. And he he does bends in a interesting way, he bends the note first then picks it and releases the bend so it sounds like its bending down. (i hope you understand)
try arpeggios, the harmonic minor scale and pivotal note technique (not sure about the pivotal actually)
ouuu i love the sound of "bending down", but its quite a common techniqe if im not wrong. I do it all the time. another thing you can pick up is playing bottleneck/slide guitar. i'm picking that up, except i'm using the round edge of my ipod nano as a slide. no money liao buy slide, may as well buy cigarettes heh
ouuu i love the sound of "bending down", but its quite a common techniqe if im not wrong. I do it all the time. another thing you can pick up is playing bottleneck/slide guitar. i'm picking that up, except i'm using the round edge of my ipod nano as a slide. no money liao buy slide, may as well buy cigarettes heh

lol, cb now marlboro almost 12 bucks already...
bro dont be surprised if after election cigarettes go up to $15 to $20. gst already go up 11%, minister pay go up, for us only ezlink fare go down, and that only takes place in July. die sure confirm die. sorry TS!

agreed... besides there has been rumours going around afew months back that it's gna rise quite badly sometime soon but as to how credible the news... yea
sigh.. in the near future smoking would be considered a luxury instead of a daily necessity
speaking of sweeping.. haha im barely picking it up
but hmm if ur gna do sweeping you might as well learn tapping as the same time... it goes pretty well together :)
try tapped harmonics...pick a note and then slam down on a fret further up the fretboard and let go instantly. should have a harmonic sound
try tapped harmonics...pick a note and then slam down on a fret further up the fretboard and let go instantly. should have a harmonic sound

orh that one call tapped harmonics ah? I don't know i only know how to play all the pattern pattern name I don't know
I guess the tapping you're talking about is legato? the crazy hammerings and pulling offs with both your hands.

tapped harmonics is what bf0502tr is talking about...
^ yep. tapping and tapped harmonics are slightly different in that in tapped harmonics, u let go with ur picking hand in order to sound the note. whereas for tapping, u fret with ur picking hand to sound the note :)

@likui: aiya matt, know how to play can alr, know all the names also no use one if cant execute lol. i know sweeping but my sweeping always sound like picking -_-
^ yep. tapping and tapped harmonics are slightly different in that in tapped harmonics, u let go with ur picking hand in order to sound the note. whereas for tapping, u fret with ur picking hand to sound the note :)

@likui: aiya matt, know how to play can alr, know all the names also no use one if cant execute lol. i know sweeping but my sweeping always sound like picking -_-

sound like picking also good what, then can play like paul gilbert his get out of my yard song, the arppegios all picking leh, got the palm muted sound very nice

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