Intro : kerplunk.. oww.


New member
Alright. Hello to all soft-sapiens. uhh.. I'm not exactly "new" around here, but i've been inactive here for such a looooong time, so i decided to start anew.


Ayways, i'm 18. Enjoys music. Gigs. Jamming. Loves my LesPaul like love my mom. Composing music. Writing. Dance to beats of Ska music, especially 2-Tone sounds. Rocks to The Who all the way to Rancid. A little bit of jazz and motown.

so.. uhh.. looking forward to making new mates out of stranger-musicians islandwide and getting tips from experts and becoming a better musician and taking over the world !!!! ... wide web. haha sorry.

and i dont bite too, UNLESS YOU'RE SUSHI.
kerplunk182: my guess is that he is the original one and you're version 182. :p

kerplunk: welcome to soft. eventhough you registered earlier than me.
the way i see, somebody has to make the new inductees of soft feel welcome.
if it werent for FGL and friends. i bet the new inductees would feel unwelcome