intro: kai


New member
Just found this website a few days ago - very cool resource.

About me: late 20's, originally german, just moved to Singapore some months ago after living in New York, San Francisco and Switzerland most of the last 10 years. I worked most of that time as a freelance journalist, though did a good deal of editing and dabbling in other fields as well.

I started playing the guitar almost 15 years ago now, and have, a few breaks aside, been quite active with music. Started mostly with rock music, and played in various bands as guitarist, bassist, vocalist or drummer. After discovering the likes of Dan Bern, Bob Dylan, Bright Eyes, Ani DiFranco, etc (among many others) about 9 years ago, I've mainly moved into acoustic music.

I lived in several rather small Swiss towns, none of which had much going on in terms of music, the last 4 years before coming to Signapore. As a result, I haven't done nearly as much playing in the last years as I would have wanted to. I've discovered (through Wala Wala, Balaclava, Bar None, etc...) that Singapore has got really a lot happening with music, so I think it's time to get active again!

Problem is, I don't really know how or where, and that's (I'm hoping) where this forum comes in. I'd really like to meet some people of similar musical interest to learn about the scene, and possibly to play with.

My first questions, really, are very simple - where are the most interesting places to go to hear good music? Are there any venues that have open mics (it's been some years, wouldn't mind restarting that way)? Anyone with similar musical interests want to discuss the possibilities here?

As for a sample of what I've done in the past - did most of my recording on a tape 4-track and a digital 8-track in recent years. Problem is, I don't have those recordings on my laptop. I do have some tracks I recorded to test some new software on my PC a few years back, but as they were done rushed in one afternoon, with a crappy mic, and without any real efforts to get a decent sound. Nonetheless, I'll post them in the open mic section, so anyone interested can get an idea of what I've done.

I suppose that's all for now, thanks for reading, and looking forward to hearing from you!
Welcome to soft! There's more than just Wala Wala, Balaclava, Bar None.. Take your time find out more! Welcome to Singapore too!