Intro : Dominic


New member
Hey everyone.. My name Is Dominic Ng.. I'm currently in LaSalle-SIA.. not studying music though.. Something else.. I'm sure one or two idiots that know me in this forum will blurt out what I do.. haha.. so i'll just skip that..

I've been a member for quite some time.. but never really been active.. only recently..

I've started on the drums 5 years ago and the guitar 3 years ago.. but I have no clue on the elctronics side of the bass and the electric.. I've been learning bass from my guitar and i've learnt the scales.. only thing is that I rarely had the chance to try it out on the bass because i don't have one.. yea, quite dumb for me to have an electric and then learn the bass on it.. -_-"

I've stopped playing all instruments for about a year now.. even sold of my electric.. I lost passion last year when I started college.. because of time constrains and stuff.. but after mingling around with so many great players in my school, I finally rekindled the fire to start playing again.. even if I don't have the time, i'll make time.. now, i'm challenging myself to be a great bassist.. and also to learn all forms of percussion.. hopefully it'll come true, and not distort my acting career..

I've always wanted to perform for STOMP. Lol.. big dream.. can't help but dream rite? lol..

Well, that's all I guess.. aside from the bas3rd I am.. haha..

First things first, get a bass!!

and u name!! argh!! u're a guy rite! argh the agony!!!

haha just kidding ;)
nice to hear u're rekindling the fire of desire to play some instrument...all the best man!! :D

p.s Tool got great basslines :p:p
ooooh! never question the world that fgl refers to!! its like a zion in a lion made of iron! never ever disturb the balance! WOOOOOOOO

coz he maybe tempted to just bring u into the jungle again...

^^ ahaha... I suppose you're coming then?

Anyways, welcome to soft. It's great that people interested in percussion are also interested in rhythm instruments. Given enough time you'd probably be quite capable on both!

Rock on man!