Intro: Complex


New member
Heyhey ppl!
Name's Azhar, call me zar if u like. :cool:
I've been playing drums about a year? -ish? haha, skool lar. But i wanna improve!!! :D
Anw, i rock out to muse, mcr, paramore, 30stm, audioslave and A7X (learning, hehe)
Would love to form a band with ppl of similar level as me, that is, beginner lvl. ;)
Okay, thats it for now, rock on baby!!
welcome to soft. expect arrivals of 'famous' soft-ies...

anyway, all the best in your journey and good luck in finding bandmates. yeh
welcome to the jungle
we can call u Zar.
I took a cab home late last nite
coz my singer sold her car ... :mrgreen:
welcome to the jungle
we can call u Zar.
I took a cab home late last nite
coz my singer sold her car ... :mrgreen:

Haha that's funky. So i guess ur the "jungle guy" rylche was talking about?
And isnt that from GnR? :-D
fgl bro, i think u should retire from this section already, ur post count so high!!! omg man!

welcome zar, soft is a jungle that when u enter, you wont wanna leave :D
hmmmmmm ok once I hit 10K post will return let the younger generation take over .... :cool:
hi zar, welcome to soft!

maybe vicki should start her own "vickomaniac's kaki nangs" haha...