Inter-School Band Competitions


New member
Anyone know if there will there be any inter school band competition this year??
for example supernova2007 at ij.
yeayea... i think acjc or acs also had one last year if im not wrong.... so anyone knows if there would be similar inter-school band competitions this year??
sham who you gonna form your band with?i assume your members are separated to different schools.
i think for inter school competitions.... as long as your a student you can join, not necessary must be from the same school. but in ijc got a few musicians in j2, and yanto also in ijc with me, maybe can form band with them.
The ones I know (inter jc band comp or inter sch band comp) requires all members from a badn to be from the same sch. If not wouldn't be called "inter-sch" already mah
there's one coming up!

Bandage @ Methodist Girl School in aid of St Lukes Hospital.

Tickets avaliable at 15 bucks each.

8 march 08 7:30PM ( the first saturday of the holidays)

6 bands.

2 alumni of ACS(i)
1 Fairfield methodist secondary school
1 Hwa Chong Institution

there's one coming up!

Bandage @ Methodist Girl School in aid of St Lukes Hospital.

Tickets avaliable at 15 bucks each.

8 march 08 7:30PM ( the first saturday of the holidays)

6 bands.

2 alumni of ACS(i)
1 Fairfield methodist secondary school
1 Hwa Chong Institution


heard about this. Where to get tix?