Installation of electric guitar pickup..


New member
Hello...does anyone here expertise in guitar installation pickup??I would like to learn how to install it..more cheaper..instead of bring it to a shop and need to pay...Is it dfficult to istall it??I hope any kind soul out there can help me..thx
depends ? Model ? Do you want coil tap switching, or just standard config ?

Difficulty actually is up to those factors, and my little experience with changing pups
do you have wiring instructions ? would be great if you had the exact model/wiring instructions unless its a FrankeinPaul :p
ookk thx for the info/vids guys..what I'm afraid is that the wiring will be ruined when I'm trying to pluck out the wire...cos there are alot of wire inside it...and more over I'm still a student...and not sure which wire is which...but its ok I'll try it one day...
What has being a student got to do with knowing which wire is which???

1) Get a decent soldering iron (40W is more than enough, medium sized chisel tip works best) and a stand
2) learn to solder properly and practice soldering on some spare wires
3) research on pickup magnetic polarity, electrical phase, different pickup configurations (hum cancelling, coil split/tap, parallel, series, in-phase, out-of-phase)
4) find good reference diagrams
It's quite simple once you get the hang of it. Have fun!

A good quality soldering iron will last you a long long time, esp. one with changeable tip.
Shit dude!! If u r a student than this should be super easy for u. Ur mind is already warmed up for problem solving!!
Just follow lazy3yed steps and study those diagrams. and just like before any exam: practice!!
If you take design and technology then there should be no problem :) On the other note, seymour duncan's website has free diagrams. Take a look.
Or you can try Solder-less pickups. I think that one easier, wrong can just remove and re-connect like free like that. Hope it helps!