

Damn. Look at HERRR !
From a local Malaysian singer, she evolves to a total different level; an International singer/songwrtiter.
This tells me that no matter how lame the music industry in your country is, you still can go far if you try your hardest...or...maybe it's just luck. Haha ;D

I really am proud of her. She definitely is one of my biggest inspiration, aside from Lights.
Making music, writing music, travel around the world, meeting new people, changing people's perception towards music(in a good way) has always, always been my dream since I was 13. I'm 18 now and 5 years of watching my life pass by just like that without having any of my dreams come true during those years...just sucks.

No one really knows how much my love is for songwriting. It's crazy. I can't even talk to people about this cos they...just won't pay any attention. They're not interested, basically.
I wanna get to somewhere where I could just LIVE MY DREAM, that's all.