Indie Rock Band Looking For Bassist


New member
Hi there,

Well, we've found a drummer but now all that's left for us is bass. If you're a bassist and fit the following criteria:

1) Well-spoken
2) A girl (this is not necessary, though)
3) Experienced
4) Committed
5) Able to come up with your own basslines
6) Sociable
7) Between 18-23 years old (preferably not serving NS)

...then we want you! We're a newly-formed indie rock band called The Cumulus. Our influences are quite varied. My drummer's main influences are Bloc Party and Muse, my lead guitarist is more into darker genres like My Chemical Romance and Aiden, while I'm directly influenced by The Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks and Panic! At The Disco.

So far, we've come up with 3 songs and are looking to make this project a long-term and serious one. Our main aim is to break through the local scene so hard that we become internationally acclaimed. Sounds like a mountain to climb, but with enough hard work and perseverance, we can make that dream come through.

So, if you're interested, do hit me up at 90477913 and I'll arrange for a tryout with the rest of the band members as soon as possible.


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