Indian Bands


New member
Do you think flying bands and DJs from India down to Singaopre will be able to attract a crowd?? Below is a list of some of the groups I have in mind. Please comment.

Emperor Minge (New Delhi) -
Sridhar & Thayil (Mumbai) -
BASSFoundation (New Delhi) -
SHAA'IR + FUNC (Mumbai) -
Teddy Boy Kill (New Delhi)-
Scribe (Mumbai) -
Bay Beat Collective (Mumbai) -
Tempo Tantrick (Bangalore) -

P.S - If anyone is interested in any of these bands PM me

I believe so. Didn't check them out yet, but if they sound goodand appeal to Singaporeans then it might be a hit. Not forgetting that the Indian population ins Singapore might take a likeing to their music too.

There's this heavy/thrash metal band from Hyderabad, India called Sledge. Dunno if you've heard of them but they're pretty tight and their music is power. They headlined a local gig at Gas Haus a couple of years ago and the turnout was very very high.

What are your plans? Are you an organizer?
Im not really an organiser, but there are alot of great bands and DJs from India (many of these bands have performed internationaly a fair bit) that I think should be heard...I want to know if venues in Singapore would have Indian headlining acts. Just a question i thought I might ask people from the music scene in Singapore. If venues do agree I'll work on bringing them down.

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