Indentify chords by ear for sing and play


New member
How do i play chords bye ear for sing and play? Meaning, If I were to hear a song on the radio, and I wanted to sing and play it, how do I know which chords to play if I don't have the tabs with me but I know how to sing the song.
Or example, if my friend name a song for me to play the chords for them to sing, how would I know which chords to use?love
I heard people saying bout the bass note or key note, but I don't know how I identify it. Please help!
Practice becoming familiar with each chord you play and try to identify the notes that constitute it. Once you've memorised how the chord and the notes sound, it'll be easier to identify a chord once you hear it. Not an easy skill to pick up and master, but extrememly useful.
play more chords play and play and play until the sound gets into your head. until you know how all the chords sounds like even before u play on the guitar
familiarise urself with the way minor and major chords sound like...then go practice hearing relative pitch. most pop or rock songs only use major, minor and power chords. so it shouldnt be too difficult to find the rough chords once u got those things i mentioned done.
helps to familiarize yourself with the chords that are in whichever family key too. ;)

the whole whole half whole whole whole half thingy.
I'm not sure if your talking about relative pitching, listening to a note then identifying the rest, (not sure how to explain, my form teacher explain with alot of "cheemology" words) For me, I'd play a C chord then play it on the keyboard(Use a online keyboard) then try to pick out the similarities despite being distorted or in a different timbre, keep practicing until your ears can recognise it in a snap (Very painful process, ear recognizing may range from a few days to a week for a SINGLE/FEW chords.) uptil now i've only had the patience to do the Major Scale, Play some minor, i'm sure to blur it up. But its extremely useful, you can roughly play by ear already even by just having the Major Scale notes down.

Yeah I think its called Relative Pitching, Bf0502 Confirms it.
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