Hi there Cracko,
Its a sign of musical maturity now that you wish to improvise music and Im sure musicians alive now like Wynton Marsalis to the Jazz Daddies of New Orleans like Louis Armstrong would smile and be proud of you. In fact Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt etc were all improvising musicians. Its a fact not widely emphasized because unlike today, there was no way of capturing music back then. Yeap. Mozart didnt own own an ipod.
Improvisation can be applied to many elements of music that you play already. For example melody, harmony, form, rhthym, color, theme, motiff's etc. Improvise melody and you get Louis Armstrong, harmony and you get Scott Henderson, Form and you get Wynton Marsalis, rhythm Jaco, Wooten etc.
Once you grasp the fundamental concepts of improvisation you would be more focused and more intent on learning the details such as chord progressions, dissonance etc. My advice is to identify the kind of music you listen to and see what elements are emphasized in it. Rock for example may not be the best place to play around with the element of harmony or form for example.