imma move on to another teacher. HELP >.<


New member
Hey peeoplesssss

I've been learning electric guitar from (dowana name eh heh) music school, it's a tiny music school, i get individual lessons at less than $140 for 4 months.

I've been here for around 4 months, but recently my progress has reached a plateau :l
My teacher is good, but as I learn more about this instrument, I've come to realise that what he's teaching isn't what I really want to learn.
So I'm thinking of going to Yamaha (plaza) instead.

I'd actually prefer a teacher whose syllabus goes heavy on theory - somebody with lots of experience and music knowledge. He must be very serious about teaching. I'd rather he not use tabs.
I don't care how famous he is or isn't, I don't care how much the music community worships him or not, I need him to be able to teach me well.

Here's what I DON'T want:
1. Anyhow whack. Nonononnono. Theory is very important (!)
2. Tabs.
3. To just learn to blindly play songs I like
4. Tolerance for imperfection

Thing is, I dowana go to Yamaha and make such a request. I want a teacher whose syllabus is already geared in such a direction >.< I don't want somebody to revamp their syllabus just to suit what I want.

I went to Yamaha and I have obtained a list of their teachers-

Rosli Mansor
Patrick Teo
Shern Wong
Spencer Goh
Clinton Carnegie
Rornizad Bin Yusoff (eh this one, the receptionist's handwriting damn messy lol)

(I've googled these people, have this feeling I'd want to be taught by Patrick Teo hmmmmmm...)

If it matters, my taste in music-
asian: x japan, dir en grey, luna sea, l`arc~en-ciel
angmoh: queen, guns n roses, muse, bon jovi, aerosmith, deep purple

number of songs I can currently play by any of above-mentioned bands: 0.

Any advice would be deeply appreciated m(_ _)m

(added on)
ohh wow very long time since i've looked at threads in soft o: I just found out about guitar garage daaaaamn their lessons are $160 sigh sigh Mummy Dearest will never let me have that oh well. hurrr.
hmmm most decent teachers can do with ur requests. just go 1 on 1 with the teacher and tell him before hand what is it you want or dun want. most yamaha teachers will give you tabs anyway cos there are some advantages of learning using the tabs alone. or if you find yamaha too ex also then just go private lol
if u wana be taught by yamaha teachers, u might as well learn from beez, hes from yamaha last time
i don't know the entire music circle in this country damn it lol, i don't have the balls to go private. what else can i say.

yamaha ~is~ supposed to be an established company after all :l


my friend is learning bass from yamaha daaaaaaaaang he's got such a great teacher -envy- that's why i'm thinking i might get something good out of yamaha.

Omg. I srsly hoped you read the pm i sent you. I really took some time in typing all that stuff you know.

i don't know the entire music circle in this country damn it lol, i don't have the balls to go private. what else can i say.

yamaha ~is~ supposed to be an established company after all :l


my friend is learning bass from yamaha daaaaaaaaang he's got such a great teacher -envy- that's why i'm thinking i might get something good out of yamaha.

Yamaha is a multi national corporation. They make many products, provide many services with music teaching being one of them.In other words all they are concerned with is making $$$ off you. I think mummy will get a shock when she finds out about the fees there compared to guitargarage. Also they have course holidays. Wonderful holidays where you do not go for lessons and they still charge you by the month.

Why not get a Yamaha powerboat or a Yamaha motorcycle or a Yamaha whatever wonder device while you are taking lessons there?

Just a suggestion.
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Sheer curiosity -- how much do Yamaha charge for guitar classes? Do fees vary depending on who you choose as your teacher?

I have been learning from this dude who plays at a club here (name withheld to protect his identity :p). I think he's awesome, but is quite irregular. And as much as I want to play like him (he's an awesome guitarist!), I'm not sure if he's a good teacher.

Have heard of Rosli Mansor. How much would someone like him charge?

Any insights will be highly appreciated!
Nope. Fees do not vary. They are the same regardless of teacher. Sadly, the same can be said for the syllabus.. Which is stupidly rigid.
Hey peeoplesssss
I just found out about guitar garage daaaaamn their lessons are $160 sigh sigh Mummy Dearest will never let me have that oh well. hurrr.

$160 isn really that expensive mate, I'm Guitar Garage's Student, Good Teacher whom graduated from Berklee.
He Teaches Well, Dosen't Tolerate Imperfection (at least for me). He's Technically and Theoratically Well Versed...