i'm looking for a decent cheap mixer and monitors.

exin said:
Colarndo said:
If you dare to try, Behringer(gasp!)

you be surprised you know ... hahaha .. behringer has good stuff for quite a decent price ...

the prices are nice.
however, for reliability u gotta see your luck.

I was told by some technicians that when the power fuse blows, it affects the entire mainboard. leaving it trouble and expensive to change.

Whereas for others like mackie and alesis, its just a simple fuse u can get anywhere and replace it urself.

So beware behringer mixers.
their amps are ok though, no problems with them
my school has been usin a behringer eurorack ub mixer for a long time and it is still workin perfectly...haha lol and i tot behringer is like the main brand in sound