"I'm Alright" - Neil Zaza Cover


New member
Hey guys, juz wanna share my cover of Neil Zaza's tune "I'm Alright".
Please comment, i need em, the open-mic section is too quiet!

Oh, & since everyone is posting their Brands competition thing I might as well do it too!
This is my entry, but do check out everyone else's entry and vote for your favourite one. Theres a surprising amount of good entries this year, so take some time to look around!

Thanks everyone,
Andy Chong
whoa, one of the more fluid and expressive covers i've heard to date. feels and sounds right. haha kickass guitar and awesome tone from such a simple setup btw
Awesome! I guess I'll see you in school. AH HAH! new student here :D Din know they got t-shirts. Now i can compete with ppl wearing SP shirts lol
Haha thanks guys! No there ain't no Lasalle T-shirts, thats a printed shirt i wore for some event. But Welcome To The Family!! Summer school?