..thier employees agree with you.
Website where employees rate thier workplace (or former in some cases). And gibson gets a 1.9 over 5.
"Truly evil CEO with absolutely no business sense or ability to empower the talented employees who only want to make the company successful. If you go to work there you will either lose your sanity or be fired quickly. There are dozens of job openings now due to repeat firings of key execs who only seem to last a few months. There is no continuity or ability to get things running and the environment is toxic. The CEO is highly abusive and micromanages every detail running the business into the ground. The joke of it is that he is actually being honored soon by the Ant-Defamation League at an event in NYC later this year. If they only knew the lack of respect he has for the people who work for him, his customers and his vendors and the unethical way he approaches everything and how is killing the company and the brand. It will be interesting to see if he is still CEO when this event happens in November. He somehow gets involved in charity work and pulls the wool over people's eyes only to stroke his huge ego, but the artists have wisened up and think he is a joke. Well, the banks are about to shut you down Henry and force you out! The company will be a better place when you are history."
Fender gets a 3.0 in comparison.
Website where employees rate thier workplace (or former in some cases). And gibson gets a 1.9 over 5.
"Truly evil CEO with absolutely no business sense or ability to empower the talented employees who only want to make the company successful. If you go to work there you will either lose your sanity or be fired quickly. There are dozens of job openings now due to repeat firings of key execs who only seem to last a few months. There is no continuity or ability to get things running and the environment is toxic. The CEO is highly abusive and micromanages every detail running the business into the ground. The joke of it is that he is actually being honored soon by the Ant-Defamation League at an event in NYC later this year. If they only knew the lack of respect he has for the people who work for him, his customers and his vendors and the unethical way he approaches everything and how is killing the company and the brand. It will be interesting to see if he is still CEO when this event happens in November. He somehow gets involved in charity work and pulls the wool over people's eyes only to stroke his huge ego, but the artists have wisened up and think he is a joke. Well, the banks are about to shut you down Henry and force you out! The company will be a better place when you are history."
Fender gets a 3.0 in comparison.