

New member
Hello there,

Anyone checked out this bass before?
Other options around the same price and specs?
5 string with active pickups.

i'm a big Ibanez fan but in due fairness, do check out MTD's 5-string offering, specifically his model:

Kingston Z5
the SR505 is fine,..
How much is the retail price anyway?

if you have the $$$ i suggest you try the ibanez K5,.
1800 at sweelee

if you have more $$$$$$$$ and really like ibanez,. go get a prestige,.


the K5 is a hate/ love affair....

the MTD 5string models are about the $1.3K price bracket.

coming back to Ibanez, the ATK the 305 is recommended, if you like that maple zing in your tone... (List: $1K)
What kind of tone does the ATK provide? Is it versatile? weird pickups(to me at least :) )

nice sunburst 8O
the ATK, despite its lone pickup, is actually a triple coil make so it offers you some very deep/ bright offerings in a single package. these are contemporary voicings, keep that in mind, for a more vintage take, this one's not quite it...

if you are looking for versatility, the RD505 is hard to beat (price/ plaability/ tone):
I'll need to go and check it out.

Is this one made in Indonesia? is the quality same as the Korean ones?
current ATK- Indonesia

RD series- Korea

a good instrument is a good instrument, regardless of country of origin...

i just bought an Indo Ibanez guitar- quality is thumbs up!
please .. whatever you do .. don't get the Z5 .. i tried it before .. it's DISGUSTING ... seriously ...

nothing close to whatever MTD offers on their American lines .. bahs ... i lost my faith in MTD's lower range products .. may give the kingstons a chance though ..
i've tried the new atk305. didn't like it. the tone was muffled and the bass felt too light and flimsy. played unplugged, it didn't have much clarity. just a very muddy thud. plugged in, it was the same but i found the electronics gave me nice flexibility in adjusting the muddy thud.

i've deduced the bad tone to the elixir strings. so to me, the new atk basses are lighter versions of the old atk series with potential to sound almost as good if the strings are changed.
Anyone tried out LTD B255 before?

The specs seems to be interesting.
Neck thru
active electronics.


Any idea what's the selling price for these?