Spector bass. 'Nuff said.
If this is gonna be your first bass, it's definitely worth it.
If this is an upgrade, I suggest you check out the Spector Legend 4 Classic. S$960, active preamp/passive pickups, made in Korea, curved body, extremely versatile. You can slap some funk and immediately play dropped tunings without even tweaking the knobs on both bass and amp. I have two Legend 4 Classics myself.
Drop by Musicark and look for me, you will not be disappointed.
(I'm not speaking from a salesperson POV, I'm genuinely being frank from a bassist to a bassist)
From personal playing style, the Performer gives a very punk rock/classic hard rock kinda attack tone with a pick.
This video doesn't have any pick style, but it's in drop D, so I hope it helps a little. Please mind my sloppy playing.
Anyway, that red one is out of stock. I'm only left with black.
What tuning do you drop to? D standard/Drop C?
It's possible, given a set-up after the string change. But the neck is only made up of 1-piece maple, might still succumb to the high tension of heavier gauge. I have one Legend 4 Classic that I tune down to Drop C with 55-115 strings, and that is already giving the 3-piece neck some slight bow. I'm scared a 1-piece might just bow a whole lot more.