Ibanez acoustics


New member
Exotic wood,super sexy guitar 8) .The texture,OH! :D They really are very beautiful,but i have other choices too! :roll: The exotic wood. :lol: EW series,is nice,but the AEL20E is nice too. :oops: The AEL20E comes in 3 different types of colour,Antique Cherry Violin,Vintage Violin and Transparent Black Cherry Sunburst.I personally prefer the Vintage Violin.But the Black Cherry is nice too.BUT THE EXOTIC WOODDD!!! :evil: Its really a extremely hard decision.But i would probably go with the EW types,the colours Resonant Natural Low Gloss,and the other 2 both Natural.Their names;EWC30,EW20WNE and EW20ZWE.I prefer them all because of their inlays and most of all thier cut aways,a nice slope down.The inlays are simple and spectacular.But of course,the main question is,does swee lee sell them?If anyone knows,please tell me,the prices esspecially,and of course which one you prefer yourself!

PEACE OUT!~ :wink:
IbanezFreak~ :axe:

the EW20 is available @ swee lee- played it the other day (briefly + unamplified): the projection could have been better.

price: you'd do better to call them.