IBANEZ acoustic reviews???


New member
Hi guys..i have my eye on an Ibanez acoustic PF60S. It is selling for 230.

Could anyone give me some reviews on this guitar or on Ibanez Acoustic guitars as a whole? Are they good and worth the money?

You may recommend any good guitars around this price...
I like Ibanez acoustics. There're a few bad pieces every now and then but I've got a very good impression of Ibanez acoustics. Other than the PF60 and V series though, they look like budget instruments to me, at least when I last saw them.
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Another thing, the Ibanez acoustics at Swee Lee have the highest action I've ever seen. If you buy from them, definitely get a full setup done.
yeah, i got a PF60CENT1202 recently, sounds good, but the actions is really high! can get abit difficult at time! but other than that, i find it good!