hey threadstarter i'll help you out a bit with the "singapore industry standard low wattage bedroom tube amps".
bear in mind low wattage tube amps are still loud, not like low wattage solid states that come with 6.5 inch mini speakers.
1. ibanez valbee (great cleans, average distortion)
2. Blackheart bh5 (average cleans, rich greasy distortion)
3. Blackstar (cant remember the model name. pretty brutal metal distortion, which should be what you're looking for)
4. vox ac4tv (great cleans, best clean amp amongst these 4 to run ur pedals into)
alright thats about all... i think marshall has some new series but oh well yet to be checked up. do A/B the joyo amp with these 4 as well.
for solidstates, certain amp brands WITH THE RIGHT 12' SPEAKERS seriously pack some punch with their distortions. i only know a few, the Peavy bandit 112 or 212, and the sound drive. nothing smaller than the one with 12' inch speakers. marshall MG30 and higher wattages may have decent distortion sounds as well.
my 2000cents, this takes a lot out of me