
New member
here is some backdrop , so bear with me here

i have a guitar - i vigorously flick up and down the pickup selector switch occasionally to free clumps of trapped dust or dirt because it sometimes doesnt register and no output comes out from my guitar.

i connect it through a korg ax1500g multi fx unit bought a month ago second-hand , looked pretty beat up when i got it

and it goes into the effects loop of a very old 30 watt practice amp.

recently , when i switched to my clean preset on my fx unit, i can hear crackling coming from the amp. so i unplugged my guitar from the korg and plugged it straight into the amp. the crackling still could be heard.

i then tried connecting my korg into the computer and recorded it on audacity. the playback still has crackling in it. and i even cranked the noise gate to maximum and its still very audible

now i plugged my guitar straight into the computer ( active pickups ). and the playback produced no cracking.

so now i don't know whether the crackling comes from my messing around with my pickup switch , a faulty second hand fx unit or an old as balls amp. :(

so any advice guys?

i would also like to ask :
is a guitar even capable of producing such noises?
can the fx unit or amp be repaired to remove cracking? or is it too costly ?

Based on exp:
- buy good cables. Good cables are worth 20$ up.
- ground your unit. Use 3 pin plugs.
- use power conditioner due due fluctuating voltage
- make sure ur guitar is also well grounded. Do few research on this one
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I have aleady ruled out faulty cables, and this only happened recently. I have been using the same rig in the same setting for months now
what i meant to say that is that i have already ruled out cable from creating crackling, because i also encounter it from time to time
What applies to you doesn't necessarily apply to everyone else, just saying. It's like saying that hand phone cannot turn on because it's spoiled, but you may have forgotten to charge it etc. Just an analogy
You guys are never gonna believe this, after a week of stress and heartpain, contemplating whether to sell a faulty amp and fx unit at $10 each.the root cause of the crackling could be resolved by a simple change of batteries of my emgs, I almost always change my battery every 2 months before I could encounter something like this. You could feel how relieved I was when I changed that 9 v battery and not hear any crackling.
You guys are never gonna believe this, after a week of stress and heartpain, contemplating whether to sell a faulty amp and fx unit at $10 each.the root cause of the crackling could be resolved by a simple change of batteries of my emgs, I almost always change my battery every 2 months before I could encounter something like this. You could feel how relieved I was when I changed that 9 v battery and not hear any crackling.

yea that is the disadvantage that active pickups gives in return for their crushing output... always carry a spare along