I Need a Vocalist!


New member
Hey guys! I do have a band, but recently i've been writing songs on my own and desperately need someone to collaborate with, a vocalist that is. And if you can play the guitar,well then that's even better. I could send some demos to you guys, i have about 4 good ones. I write anything from indie folksy stuff to punk. If you're interested, please reply!
Hey, I think what you do is interesting and I would like to help you out and give this a shot.

I'm female, I sing, but I've never performed before, nor was in any band. I can play some basic chord progressions on the guitar, and am familiar with songwriting.

Would like to see a couple of your demos! I could send you a sample of my voice too, if you'd like, to see if it's what you're looking for.

Let me know!
Hello, i'm not female but i can sing and play some acoustic. This sounds like a project i use at the moment if folk-indie-punk is your thing.

whatsapp me at 96261861.

Hey! Thanks for replying. I'm actually at work now. I'll get off at 5. So could I send it to you later? And I'll probably need your no. and email. Thanks!