I lOve TaMagotChi

Doll krueger

New member
Helllooooo everybody!!!!
Hi first of all im DoLL...and im with a band called....
I Love taMagOtChi......
HAHA...pretty weird huh...
well basically we have a wide range of genre
from slipknot,A7x to Casualities.....
we can play almost everything you name it...
play quite a few of gigs...but our drummer had 2 fall back due to
personaL problem....

So let me introduce you fellas to my bandmates...
Yan=lead/rhythm guitarist
Fizz=lead/rhythm guitarist

So anyone would like to be our drummer juz pm me aite..
And lastly Lioncity music for ever man...CHEERS!!!!
ROCK On!!!!!

Thnkz everyone.....i'll make sure rock will never extinct in singapore as long as I Love Tamagotchi is around....
can i fill up for drumz?!?!

I am an expert in this technique called chin-chai.HAHAHA!

anyways welcome to soft!once you are in,there is no way out!