I.J. Gig Space Suspended


New member
This was taken from here

fuck you cunts who dun appreciate the gig space IJ provided. u guys complain abt the place and have not done anyting to improve the place n yet got the fuckin cheeks to cause a ruckus there. FUCK~

fuck it. if u have an issue, settle it personally outside the building.

well read on..

msg frm shai:

so the rumour mill has been working overtime.
"IJ has closed".
"IJ this"
"IJ that".

lets get it straight. im very closely affiliated to the owner of IJ as some of you are too, and might know.

IJ studios is temporarily suspended, yes. why? on 11 June there was a show called METALCORE vs PUNKROCK and there was a case of bullying and an eventual fight. there has been a few scuffles at shows there yes but that one took the cake because
1) when volunteers come down to 'jaga' IJ in case of trouble nothing happens, but on that day when all the volunteers were busy shit had to happen
2) apparently a fight , of which i only have second-hand info of, took place and was caught on the building CCTV. IJ owner, "Abang Wan", the management and the cops were called in.

cops locked the place up and the venue will remain sealed until the case is settled. as a result, Wan has been smacked with a $300 fine due to the crap that happened. fights, vandalism (which fucker burnt the washing machine anyway?), dustbins thrown to the first level, blah blah.

i am fucking pissed off. because i have always encouraged and advised people to take care of the space and be responsible whether yr an organizer, band or paying member of the audience.

i was surprised to know that all the footage of kids playing with the industrial lift, drinking, loitering, smoking in the common area fell under the NO PROBLEM category. that shows that building management has been very lenient with us. so if they had to shut the space down it means things went too far right?

so promoters/bands/people reading this, please take note. IJ Studios, or any other gig space, is not only Wan's responsibility, its mine and it is yours. the space has been abused and Wan has to take the shit for it. is it fair? you tell me.

i have also heard a lot of rumours about bastards accusing Wan of running away with gig money and all that. thats a load of utter crap. me and my friends have done shows and recording sessions many many times there before and he has never been calculative about money. yes it is hot as fuck there and yes equipment fucks up time to time but i have never been happier with a space as cheap, lenient and understanding to the scene as IJ.

people had better sit up and take notice and do something and get some sense knocked into their heads. for once i refuse to blame the cops for any problems should (choy choy) the space be shut down, because the roots of the problem are all down to our own idiocy.

11 June is not a one off problem. shit has happened many many times. there was even a time where the security guard was almost beaten up by a 'fashioncore kid'. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!

punks thrashers hc kids come down in droves at every show and as 'threatening' as they look there has been no problems at all.

i could list down names that have been 'paotoh-ed' that has led to this shit. you people better wake up your idea because if the space shuts down, you fuckers have a lot to answer for.

spread this all around on your kiddy forums and e-groups, i dont give a shit. lets solve this problem before it becomes a permanent predicament.

this it the most sensible thing ive ever seen. and im glad its going around myspace bulletin posts.
Yeah i heard about the fight but IJ is now open again.. Just had a gig there on friday
wow,yeah heard of that. well i was there on the 11th of june and hell it was such a bad night. hrmm correction. only a plastic chair was thrown from the 6th floor by this punk. and uhh, i think a cap fell off from the very same floor too.was there when the fight happened.

well lets get it this way, the guy who got beaten up is someone whom i actually know. hell no i do not have any connection with tthat fist off there.but you see,he's unwanted there.by his FRIENDS let alone the SOCIETY. why? because he tend to fuck the boots outta punks the moment he set his eyes on them.i dont know but i heard them (punks) shouting "F*CK GANGSTERISM" after nailing about 2-3 fist and 4 hard knock boot kickin on his face.man and he has got the sole of the boot redness smacked on his face even after 4 hours after that. oh well i dont wish to tell the cause of the fight.spread love, not hate.

anyways,there were no cops or whatever. i was there till the very last show(which have only about 10 audiences as most of the rest of them left after the fight) well i dont know if cops we're called in after the show or whatever.it all ended close to about 10:30 pm..and then i think almost everyone left the building..

well its sad to see such misunderstandings.maybe they lack education and then tend to let their hands and feet do the talking.that kid is alright now.well i hope it's settle by hand.

anyways,can you please tell me when will they get the greenlight?

because i have a friend who organised a gig there and uh we're performing on 29th july..well i hope things are goin pretty much okay..

all the best..
oh god why wasnt i told about this i never miss a good "dumb" fight! hahahah You can witness many of those types of conflicts in Peninsular area. Awesome entertainment! hahaha. Yeah but I feel sorry for "Abang Wan" cuz he definately didn't deserve THAT.
slutgarden said:
well its sad to see such misunderstandings.maybe they lack education and then tend to let their hands and feet do the talking.that kid is alright now.well i hope it's settle by hand.

i think we shouldnt expect punks to behave in an educated manner, i mean wouldnt it be awkward? Better to leave people alone than to start a fight.