New member

That's right, its time for the 2nd installment of pure emoviolence mayhem. This time featuring Off Minor (MySpace.com - OFF MINOR - NEW YORK - Hardcore / Punk - www.myspace.com/offminor) from the States.
For those not familiar with the band, they feature 3/5ths of the sadly defunct yet monumental New York screamo band Saetia. If you do not know Saetia, I strongly recommend you guys who dig skram to check them out.
They will kick off their tour right here in Singapore on the 19th of April, along with Malaysian emoviolence Orbit Cinta Benjamin: MySpace.com - orbitcinta benjamin - www.myspace.com/orbitcintabenjamin
Killeur Calculateur will not be able to play in Singapore due to personal commitments but another Malaysian band, Merkuri has replaced them. From what I have heard and seen so far, they will fit the bill nicely.
Completing the line-up from Singapore will be:
My Precious (Dancing Queens Of The Clap Clap)
October Dagger (ExMxOxVxIxOxLxExNxCxE)
A.U.M (Post Hardcore/Indie/Punk/Something)
19 April 2008 (Saturday)
Pay $7 at the door.
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