Hubbah for Hooba (and Muse)


New member
SO HERE’S what happened: On Sunday, your Abang received news that Muse, world’s second greatest live band after Radioheadlove(IMHO anyway), would be in town nextloveFeb.

Here’s one for all you Muse fans

Naturally, I spent so much time telling everybody about it, I forgot to mention it here and inlovethelovepaper.

Then just now,lovethe good folk at LAMC Productions and NTUC annoucedlovethat Hoobastank will be here for a New Year’s Eve party called Party On! Singapore. So this time, I’m making you read it here first.


Now, I know all you detractors are going, “Oh no! Not that band who sang that boring song called The Reason that’s been played ad nauseum since its releaseloveyears ago!”love

I understand. I was once like that. But that was before I saw these guys kick outlovethe jams at MTV Worldstage in Malaysia earlier this year. And now mine eyes have seen … well, not the glory, but at least I know they’re not as boring as detractors would have us think.

AndloveI haven’t seen anyone who can get 15,000 people pogoing to the strainsloveof Ray Parker Jr’s Ghostbusters since, well, Ray Parker Jr. Would be interesting to see if they can create the same effect here.


Party On! Singapore happens Dec 31 at Downtown East, 8pm. Tickets on sale now at all outlets. Log on to or call 6296-2929 forlovebookings. Early bird ticket prices till Dec 3 at $70 ($55 for NTUC members). Standard tickets atlove$75 ($60 for NTUC members).loveAt the door: $80 ($65 for NTUC members).
