just an outline to why i would arrange my pedals that way:
EQ: u want to EQ a good tone at the BEGINNING of the chain, so u get a good tone to work with, not at the END bcuz ... well, u'd probably have an AMP the EQ the final tone output, or mixing desk in a recording studio, or watever... the EQ should really really be at the beginning, not the end, like how most of the others put it. HOWEVER, you have other boxes that ALSO have EQs on them, so it's really up to you maybe u wanna tweak your final sound and you're really really oh-so-damn picky, go ahead EQ at the end is OK.
You don't need the exciter. yes it makes your bass sound so much nicer but... why not play that way instead? make your tone come from your fingers.. what if u wanted to switch between "exciting" notes and "dull" notes? u'd have to stomp the hell-outta your feet.
JiveB: you put a COMP (i presume, compressor) at the END of your effects chain. it belongs at the start, once again, so that u have a good tone to work with. IF you place your compressor towards the end, especially after so many pedals, you'll get A LOT OF NOISE. shan't go into details on why.
And you have TWO DI boxes there, each with EQs too. WHY!??!?!?!?!?!? go practice with just your EQ box and your tuner and maybe chorus. honestly, even billy sheehan and victor wooten don't use so much shite.
Also, put chorus and flanger effects BEFORE distortion effects. if u wanna combine them, they'll sound horrible if u place the chorus/flanger AFTER the distortion.
Xciter comes with a boost right? so boost your damn signal BEFORE applying any effects. Xciter towards the beginning please.
so Jude, the 2nd line up, "guitar M80 xciter chorus/flanger EQ limiter is actually a REALLY good setup. try it. i like it because it's the most minimalistic setup so far. haha