How would you line these pedals up? Your suggestions pls.


New member
1) Aphex Bass Xciter Pedal
2) Boss TU-2 (Chromatic Tuner)
3) Boss CEB-3 (Bass Chorus)
4) Boss BF-3 (Flanger)
5) Boss GEB-7 (7-Band Bass Equalizer)
6) Boss LMB-3 (Bass Limter Enhancer)
7) EBS BassIQ
8) MXR M80 Bass Direct Box Distortion
1:Boss TU-2 (Chromatic Tuner) Tuning check 1st

2: Aphex Bass Xciter Pedal (For tone alteration perhaps?)
In between any pedal arrangement is fine.

7:Boss GEB-7 (7-Band Bass Equalizer) To adjust the final EQ balance
8:Boss LMB-3 (Bass Limter Enhancer) To smoothen the final output

Note: However if you want to connect to mixer by XLR output, you might wanna put the MXR M80 Bass Direct Box Distortion as the last pedal in the chain..for the XLR output.
Guitar - > M80 -> Xciter -> chorus/flanger(any arrangmnt) -> EQ -> Limiter

Tuner can plug into the 2nd output of the M80. So you can see your "live" tuning when you play. And if you dont want to, can just easily turn off.

M80 would be an excellent front-end for tone shaping cos its got 2 channel 3 band EQ and built in distortion and its got a very freaking sweet "color" switch that really fattens up the sound. I'ld think that the xciter is abit "xtra" in the chain actually but who knows, tone is very subjective to different ppl.

if you wana go into mixer then still the same thing. just that everything after the m80 is plugged into the "insert loops" of the mixer.
Really appreciate you guys for your suggestions/advise.

This is my current setup:

Guitar -> Tuner -> Chorus -> Flanger -> M80 -> Xciter -> EQ -> Limiter

It works quite well except the Boss LMB-3 Bass Limter Enhancer doesn't serve it's purpose very well, maybe I should look for another Compressor you reckon?

I shall try out this line-up and give my feedback.

Guitar - > M80 -> Xciter -> chorus/flanger -> EQ -> Limiter

Thank you guys!
ok my bad thanks for flaming my ass now i know how to arrange my pedals

sheesh everyone starts somewhere.
i think the question you've to ask yourself when putting up pedals is ..

you want to IQ the Chorus or Chorus the IQ or here and there you know?

so for me .. if i'd use your setup .. i'll set it up like that .. and i'll explain why ..

Bass > TU-2 > BassIQ > CEB-3 > BF-3 > Aphex Bass Xciter > GEB-7 > LMB-3 > M80

Firstly, i'd put the tuner first because if i want to bypass everything, i'll just bypass it clean so i can tune it normally, it doesn't make a difference if i put it in front of any other pedals but that's my preference because i wouldn't want to pedals to affect my tuning, not say it would anyway.

Next, i'd put the BassIQ, CEB-3 and BF-3 as one group as they are modulation effects. Modulation effects affect your sound by taking your signal and changing some of it's properties. I placed the BassIQ before the chorus because i can always chorus the IQ instead of IQing the chorus, it'll be easier on the pedal to calculate the modulation in such a way. Same with the flanger. They are lighter modulation pedals compared to the IQ ...

lastly you have your tone shaping pedals, the bass xciter is used to add the full low end to the rest of your tone ... inclusive of the EQ .. and lastly the limiter meant to keep your effects signals in check ... so they don't goo wooky if you overkill it .. =) ... the M80 i'll use it as a DI out to the main house and route it to the amp for monitoring purposes.

Honestly, the kind of setup you have, has alot of non-essential pedals that'll just mess up your sound ... you can consider getting rid of the GEB-7 because you have your M80 already, one thing about your signal is that you should NEVER NEVER over-EQ it ... keep it flat as possible and work your way from there.

The Bass Xciter is also not really that necessary, your M80 is quite powerful in itself already, you can achieve full low end sounds if you use it M80 properly ... unless you have something else in mind though ...

that's all i have to say .. hope it helps ...
why do you have so many pedals?
Boss TU-2 (Chromatic Tuner)
Boss GEB-7 (7-Band Bass Equalizer)
Aphex Bass Xciter Pedal
Boss CEB-3 (Bass Chorus)
Boss BF-3 (Flanger)
MXR M80 Bass Direct Box Distortion
Boss LMB-3 (Bass Limter Enhancer)

Boss TU-2 (Chromatic Tuner)
Boss GEB-7 (7-Band Bass Equalizer)
Boss CEB-3 (Bass Chorus)
MXR M80 Bass Direct Box Distortion
this is MORE than enough. maybe do without the M80 it kinda sucks IMO
just an outline to why i would arrange my pedals that way:

EQ: u want to EQ a good tone at the BEGINNING of the chain, so u get a good tone to work with, not at the END bcuz ... well, u'd probably have an AMP the EQ the final tone output, or mixing desk in a recording studio, or watever... the EQ should really really be at the beginning, not the end, like how most of the others put it. HOWEVER, you have other boxes that ALSO have EQs on them, so it's really up to you maybe u wanna tweak your final sound and you're really really oh-so-damn picky, go ahead EQ at the end is OK.

You don't need the exciter. yes it makes your bass sound so much nicer but... why not play that way instead? make your tone come from your fingers.. what if u wanted to switch between "exciting" notes and "dull" notes? u'd have to stomp the hell-outta your feet.

JiveB: you put a COMP (i presume, compressor) at the END of your effects chain. it belongs at the start, once again, so that u have a good tone to work with. IF you place your compressor towards the end, especially after so many pedals, you'll get A LOT OF NOISE. shan't go into details on why.

And you have TWO DI boxes there, each with EQs too. WHY!??!?!?!?!?!? go practice with just your EQ box and your tuner and maybe chorus. honestly, even billy sheehan and victor wooten don't use so much shite.

Also, put chorus and flanger effects BEFORE distortion effects. if u wanna combine them, they'll sound horrible if u place the chorus/flanger AFTER the distortion.

Xciter comes with a boost right? so boost your damn signal BEFORE applying any effects. Xciter towards the beginning please.

so Jude, the 2nd line up, "guitar M80 xciter chorus/flanger EQ limiter is actually a REALLY good setup. try it. i like it because it's the most minimalistic setup so far. haha

u want a basic typical order that wont go wrong? Let me share with u guys..
same for lead guitar pedals also
a good effects chain depends on YOU..there's no right or wrong way to do it. for me to achieve a good sound, i use this guide that i learn from an engineer. Then if u find something is wrong somewhere, just change the order ONE BY ONE, But its always good to use the below as a 'template'.

1 filter effects like phaser, wah....i put phaser 1st then wah
2 Compressor
3 OD/Distortion,
4 Equaliser,
5 Pitch effects like harmoniser, vibrato,
6 modulation effects like flanger, chorus..usually flanger b4 chorus for me
7 sound level controllers like noise gate & volume pedal..noise gate b4 volume pedal
8 Echoes are delay and reverbs..i put reverb after delay..

if u follow this thing nothing can go wrong with your tone..but the tweaking part is up to u..

and again there's no right or wrong way for effects order..those are juz my preference..i think they should be in dat order..if u guys ask y, then i'll tell u y it has to be this way..

good luck
nothing wrong? haha erm... i think your 1st and 2nd slot should switch, as i mentioned above, compressor will create more noise for pedals afterward if it is placed anywhere except the beginning. however, you may be right in placing filter effects first, since filter effects may produce peaks in the signal (like when the WAH pot is fully open). trial and error! :D

** the compressor pushes down your high peaks in your volume. thus, u will tend to BOOST the output level on your bass or on the first few pedals in your signal chain. in this way, you will reduce the risk of heavy noise pollution in your signal chain by placing the compressor at the BEGINNING. this way, when you boost, u get minimal noise boosting (only the raw tone + compression).

*** if placed in the middle or end of the signal chain, the compressor will push down the peaks in your volume (which may be a good thing), and you may increase your volume on the amplifier to compensate for the decrease in volume and expression. however, in doing so, you are also BOOSTING the low volume noise that may come from pickup buzz, pedal buzz, electronic interference, etc.
Yea... I think a safe rule of thumb will be to put your compressor before anything else.
If I'm not wrong, the Aphex thing is sort of an enhancer that attempts to repair lost harmonics and phase problems. If so, shouldn't it be put right at the end for the best effects? I don't really know because I've never heard it before, but intuition says put compressor in front, Aphex at the end.
really? haha honestly, i never understood the purpose intended for the Aphex either, but from the onboard functions and stories of experiences with the Aphex, it seems to be somewhat of a.. "bass tone enhancer" which makes your bass sound better. don't really know. don't plan on using it.

from what you said, it repairing lost harmonics and phasing, then it's a pretty interesting gadget to be able to do that O.O and yeah it'll make more sense at the end. but.. how does it do that?!!
It's supposed to be an aural enhancer. I read somewhere regarding these stuff... Aphex Aural Xciter, BBE Sonic Maximizer etc...
Supposedly can correct phase issues in the signal to make it sound closer to what it really should sound like, especially across long signal paths. Might be just marketing mumbojumbo though.
yes nothing wrong if u follow the basic..
1st and 2nd should switch? for no no
u know y compressor after filter? here is why..
a lot of ppl will put their compressor 1st. but what they might not realise is that wah at toe up position has reduced volume. So if u put compressor after wah, it will even out the volume changes. I've experimented it. Guitarists, u can try this at home. :P oh yeah, phaser too has reduced volume when the middle frequencies is cut.

So there's a benefit by putting compressor after filter effects. There will be no noise if u put it after filter. It will even out the volume changes. CrispyEgg, there will be no noise. :P
Again, to each his own..
I have recently got the aphex bass exciter on loan. Awhile back i had a sansamp till i sold it off (played it for about half a year till i wanted other gear). So here is how i found it:

The aphex bass exciter is the perfect pedal for bringing out the best of your tone. It is sort of like a EQ pedal which basically makes a fix part of you bass tone stand out (what that is, i don't know. Aphex tweaked that on their own)

Essentially, if you already like your bass tone, the Aphex will make it shine even more. If you hate your basic tone to start with, the Aphex might not sound too good to you. Its very transparent in my opinion.

The sansamp bass driver on the other hand is like the magic box for anything that does not sound too good. It colours the tone quite alot (although it is done quite well) yet gives u the flexibility of tweaking the bass and treble and presense on the pedal.

Anyone who has tried both before, you think this makes a more accurate description?
I have the SansAmp, Aphex Bass Xciter, Punch factory, Behringer tube pre-Amp, Alesis NanoComp.
Aphex Bass Xciter is an aural exciter, it is not exactly an EQ pedal. It is more of an additonal harmonics pedal. The sound will not get muddy(except if youare crazy enough to turn to the extreme settings) Vaguely described as "deep"
It makes a lousy amp sound good as you can really fine tune any lack of sound that your amp can produce.
SansAmp is the color master. If you don't like the tone coloration than simply don't buy it. If your bass has a unique tone, don't buy it. If you bass has no tone worth mentioning, than buy it.
This is how i run my setup before i sent the bass Xciter back to the States for an exchange
Bass->SansAmp(I liked the tone coloring)->Tube Pre-Amp(without overdrving the tube)->Aphex Bass Xciter(Exciting certain components before the tube pre made it Overdrive too easily so i put it after)->Punch factory/Alesis NanoComp(Prefer the latter)
Running the SansAmp last means that the "tone" I tried so hard to get, gets "eaten" away at full blend settings.
Now's there a lot of debate on where to place the compressor. There's the audio specialist point of view and the musician's point of view.
In theory, compressor is the last in line.
In a musicians point of view, could be anywhere, but it's better after an
overdrive/distortion. Why? To "tighten"up the sound, no one wants the "leftover" noise to drag on.
I take that no one turns on their delay and OD at the same time.
Delay: The sound is more constant and "smooth" so a compressor is not necessary. A compressor might substain the note longer than what the delay timing was set at.
EQ: Very tricky. Subtractive equalisng is better, However, sound engineers prefer a flat frequency signal. So they can EQ on their side. But musicians tend to want to EQ it for a more pleasant sound to their ears.
Note to muscians: Please give your sound crew a Pre-EQed signal. Use the Post EQ signal to your amp.
Phasers have "reduced" volume as our ears are more tuned to the human speaking range which is actually the Middle range of frequencies.
Phasers cut middle frequencies. So naturally we hear it as softer.
Any debates?
nobody's rite or wrong. there's not only audio specialist and musician's point of view. Actually everybody has a their own point of view.

some players do like its overdrive sound to be 'natural'. Not so fully compressed and tight. some dont use it at all.

a lot of soloist turn on the OD and delay at the same time..and chorus too.
some uses 2 compressor at different settings..before and after OD.

Before this gets complicated..JudeWee..just do your trial and error and see which one suits best for you.
audio: i have to agree with you there :D i forgot about using the compressor for volume leveling after a wah.. what i meant by noise was refering to certain wahs that do not have true bypass, and i've found them to be a real pain in the ass, even more painful than distortion pedals without true bypass.

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