How to play for HeartRock Singapore?


New member
Hey guys, i know this is very off topic. The search for this on the search engine but the links are all dead.

Anybody know how to apply to play for HeartRock Singapore? Your help is very much appreciated.
nXa, I got your pm. thanks.

for the moment our gig venues are not ready for metal bands and hardcore yet. In fact we are gradually putting mare emphasis on more mainstream genre, and also acoustics sets.

For others who may wish to be part of HeartRockSingapore's gigs, Mikemann is one person you can go to, the others are Izaar of Fatskunks, Shahril of Glitched, Azlan of Sound Expulsion. They are very familiar with the gigs requirement and what our systems can and cannot take.

You may also want to check out periodically for infos on our activities, starting yesterday 3rd Jan 2007.
Alright, thanks dude. If there is any gig that is suitable for our genre, pm me. :D