how to make my snare sound *SNAPPY* instead of hollow?


New member
heyhey...i was just wondering fellow drummers of singapore...
how do i make my snare sound more crisp and more vibrant and snappy?the drumhead im using now came with my Pearl Target drumkit...i was wondering if the type of snare head i am using or the tuning of my snare is wut determines the sound?
i want the crazy snap sound...get bak at me with ur input...thanks :D
1) the tuning of the snare
2) the dampers (if any)
3) the way you hit the snare

all play a part in how it comes out sounding :)
ya.. there are many types of snares.. hmm maybe u can adjust the tuning i think tat will help more than u do anything else.
i find that a lot of the time, the problem is in the tension of the snares themselves...

A lot of drummers seem to have the notion "tighter is better". When i go to a jamming studio and the snare sounds hollow, 80% of the time, the snares are too tight! the drummer doesn't get the response he wants, so he tightens the snares thinking it will help, the next drummer tightens even more... and it just get worse and worse... till when i sit at the kit, i have to back off the snare 4 or 5 turns just to get it to "normal" tension.

so remember, tighter isn't always better!
err...try to remove the snappy and both skin on both side and re-tune it...

or mayb u can try changing the skin head( if possible for u and recommanded ) coz default stuff is never as good. try Evans G1 coated, nice and crispy cound...

or mayb if the way u install ur snappy to the snare.

tighter is really never better ^ ^ get the sound u like is important ^ ^