how to make music


New member
hey i'd really like to learn how to make music like m-flo, anson hu or wang lee hom. e problem is...i noe nuts about it.:oops: How or where can i learn? wat do i need?
if u're serious a good way to start is to buy an acoustic guitar and learn how to strum the basic chords and sing along first.

that will get u started. cheers. :)

if you're really serious then u can look for a teacher to teach you.
well i do know how to sing, i play the piano. i can play the guitar. i just want to learn how to start working on a song.
im not sure where it falls under. Lets take those RnB or hip hop songs. how do they start on them?
wont they start with the chorus? i thought that would be the thing that pulls together the entire song
huh? are you talking about composing a song or recording a song?

for composing you can start anywhere in the song.. as long as in the end u get a complete song.

for recording usually u lay down the beat/drums first..

which are u talking about?
haha...its getting confusing...i guess its about the composing. yet again, i'd like to know how to create the beats...
kohzy said:
haha...its getting confusing...i guess its about the composing. yet again, i'd like to know how to create the beats...

Composing a song includes 3 parts,
1) the melody
2) the arrangement
3) the lyrics

Melody creation is subjective. Different people use different style. Just start by thinking tune, hum it and record it down. Whether u start with chorus or verse doesn't really matter. It gets better with practice. Don't expect very good songs with the first few attemps, but doesn't mean it's not possible

Arrangement of R&B, I guess u need to learn sequencing. There are some software that can do it. It starts by creating some rhythm structure compose of beats and bass. With a R&B rhythm, it is also easier to think of an R&B tune. But not definite. Arrangement includes where u place the chorus and verse, how many repetition, fill in, harmonizing, variations, modulation etc etc

Lyrics is putting in the words.

Some people just write melody, and leave the arrangement and lyrics to another person. It's flexible. Start slow and take it easy :)
that was helpful =)

it's good you know how to play the guitar and the piano already, i wanna learn when i have the time so i can start writing songs.

one thing is that you shouldn't force something out. tunes should come naturally in your head and then you quickly write them down or record them.
Indigo_blues said:
the best tunes are the ones that stick in your head and won't go away. :)

I don't agree.
you may not recall back the same thing if you didn't write it down.
(unless it is the only tune you keep thinking all the days).
How to start?

Since you know how to play some instruments, get ready to invest in the following:

1) Audio interface (look around this forum/ Lutherads if you want a 2nd hand one)
2) Some pre-amps
3) A MIDI controller
4) A trip to JB (Taman Sentosa for BBQ stingray 1st or Holiday Inn to buy the software - we din send you, if you are caught at Customs, don't say our names!!!)

PS: Bro, btw, if you are going to JB, bro, PM me bro. A few bros here have some orders to fulfil, bro. Bro, help us get some Maria Ozawa DVDs, bro. Bro, thanks, bro!!!
is there anywhere i can learn all that arranging, sequencing, recording and engineering? ive written many of those slow kind of melodies..ballads...but wat i really like is hiphop e.g. m-flo, nelly, lee hom. anywhere i can learn that? bro im in the army...there's no way i can go jb with that list of orders!
kohzy said:
is there anywhere i can learn all that arranging, sequencing, recording and engineering? ive written many of those slow kind of melodies..ballads...but wat i really like is hiphop e.g. m-flo, nelly, lee hom. anywhere i can learn that? bro im in the army...there's no way i can go jb with that list of orders!

wanna learn sequencing? can be self-taught from the net actually. get a software sequencer from *jb* as suggested, then read the tutorials, sinceu read notation, it should not be a problem. U just have to get used to inputting/sequencing. For the sounds u will need for hihop stuffs, u can buy soft samplers that contain sounds u will want. Another way to get started is go to schools that teach these kind of stuff, i think SOMA does.

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