how to lower the guitar bridge?


New member
i have an low-action acoustic guitar bought from my guitar school.sadly,my school do not offer this kind of services..n so how do i lower the bridge n where can i seek help from..?

mine is high action guitar..i juz been to a shop n the shopkeeper ask me 4 50dol to lower bridge n also include the price reeasonable?>
Jumpin'Jellybean is right.

What he meant was, if the Truss Rod is not pre-loaded (already tightened to the max) and depending on the arc of the up-bow, Action can be reduce to as much as 1mm (I tried on many)

I know there's 2 different camps on the internet. Some die die think that truss rod MUST NOT! be adjusted to help in the action, some like me will think that if it can help WHY NOT?
you only set truss rod to proper relief. action is then adjusted via the bridge. you don't adjust truss rod to adjust action per se.
you only set truss rod to proper relief. action is then adjusted via the bridge. you don't adjust truss rod to adjust action per se.
I am total bigenner, bought Yamaha FG700MS from Yamaha Tampines. When bring home I realized that its pretty painful to press the strings against fret.
Surfing on net, I realized that its because of my soft fingertips and its usual problem for the begineers, over time it will be hardened. Also read about guitar action thingy then.
I call to the Yamaha store (next day of buying my guitar) they told me to get the bridge changed from pennisula, or you can replace your self, we Yamaha does not offer this service, it comes like this :-S
Confused but I loosen up the strigns taken out the bridge from the guitar, mark a line by some idea that how much it should be lowered and start filing it on nail filer.
Then fit back again, tuned it using some software and thats it. I wont say that I got huge difference but may be in long run when my fingertips get hardened, I will feel the difference :-S
You would idea have adjust the trust rod of your guitar (if it has one) or get someone to file the sadle down for you.

My advice would be to get it set up. It would be really helpful in the long run.

Scott from Sound Alchemy does a great job at that! if i'm not wrong only costs about $30-40.