how to customised a microphone?


New member
Hey guys,

Anyone here knows how to customized a microphone? You know like spencer ( Underoath ) microphone.he has those green microphone or adam lazzara from Taking back sunday.?


I think there's very little you can do, except maybe mix-and-matching tubes for your tube mic. But beyond that I'm not sure.
Thanks man...but i think u didn't answer my question haha..i mean like decorating it.Or did u?

well..still thanks for replying..=)
well you want customizing maybe bring it to a art sculptor/welder and add a female body (tits and ass etc) to it like Korn's.

otherwise basically just for show.

adam lazzara needs customising probably cos he swings the mic so much the weight can't be too much or the mic can't be too solid otherwise if it flies off it'll kill someone.