In Singapore, copyright protection is automatic and is conferred on the author from whom the work originates, and as soon as a work is created and fixed in a material or tangible form. Thus, an author of a work does not have to do anything to get copyright protection.
If the work is independently created, it has copyright protection. It does not matter that there is another work that is the same or similar as long as it can be proven that there was no copying from that other work.
In practice, authors have resorted to a number of means to preserve their interests. They may have:
1)deposited a copy of their work with their solicitors;
2)sent a copy of their work to themselves by special delivery, leaving the envelope unopened on its return so that the date stamp and the unopened work could establish the date of existence and the work as it existed at the relevant time; or
3)made a declaration stating the facts of ownership and the date of creation before a Commissioner of Oaths.