How to change strings for Ibanez RG350DX?


New member
hi i need some help here regarding changing the strings,
when i bought the guitar they gave me a manual , i read it but i could not understand how to change the strings .

-strings with ball ends must be cut then inserted

Also the stock strings they give me (D`addario super light gauge 0.9-0.42) rusts very easily , i clean my guitar after i play using a spectacle cloth(wonder if it works) but each time i took it out from my hard case, the G B E strings went rusty . My brother told me to put some silica gel inside the hard case but it didn't work .

Can anyone help me with the strings to choose and how to replace?
Best if there is pictures included .

Thanks in advance!
you dont have to cut the balls. string them the opposite way through bro, save time.. oh yea, fr bridges are tricky at first, i suggest you watch youtube for videos, i learnt it there, also your string gauge has to be equal to your string tension.. haha.
stringing them the opposite way still have to cut the ball to fit it through the holes in the tuning peg?

The EdgeIII Tremelo is damn in tune but the problem is changing the strings and tuning =/

ya i know my string gauge is extra light .
i'll watch the videos
thanks !

anymore help?
nah..u dun hav to cut the ball ends..u slot in the 'without-ball' end of the string into the tuning peg first,then straight to the bridge..
Restringing a Floyd Rose is pretty frustrating when you are new to it. Once you got the technique, its pretty easy but more steps than the vintage tremolo. First of all, your FR must be setted up properly. If not, it cant be tuned.
someone should sticky these links so there won't be no new posts about floyd rose guitars =D
The videos only teaches you how to change a string after a string. However does not teaches you on how to take off all the strings and assemble back all new strings so at times you might want to clean ur guitar especially at the difficult place like at the trem intonation screws, the pickguard, the fretboard n other area.cos u need to at times to clean up these areas without any strings on the guitar.

The video only teaches you only the basics of changing the strings.
okay .

and my guitar is rusting , especially the hardware and the strings, most of the screws are turning brown and the screws for holding the strings at the bridge is also rusty and scratched . Its black and now its some brownish or whitish scratched metal . Any help?
Its stored in a hard case, i wipe before and after i play but its still rusty T-T

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