How often must one change his bass strings?

bass strings almost never break... And if you want tip top conditions, change em every 6-8 months.. But like my bass tone dull and heavy so i leave em as it is for a good full year...

Also cos i'm hard on cash and bass strings cost a fortune.. >.>
I change my strings on jazz basses every month. I almost never change them on my P basses. But seriously, it depends on your level of hygiene and whether you have corrosive sweat coming from your hands. I am blessed in that sense, so my strings dont really get all rusty and gunky quickly.
changing strings are bloody expensive.... i change only when the strings are so dead that you couldn't even play a motown lick on them even after you crank the high eq on da amp.
Ken said:
changing strings are bloody expensive.... i change only when the strings are so dead that you couldn't even play a motown lick on them even after you crank the high eq on da amp.

Thats cos you have 20 basses hahahhaha
professionals will change their strings every month and i do agree that bass strings cost a lot. so i dont change them often unless the stgs are dead. i'll definately change my strings 2 weeks before going into a studio for recording. cant change them too early nor too late. just 'ngam ngam' time for me to season the strings. that'll be perfect for recording... :wink:
i hmm..been 6 months..and i havent changed my strings at all..

cos i havent been playing them at all. :lol:

i juz checked it yesterday..its still corrosion or wad not.
I just changed strings a month ago, my last strings lasted 30years. They where the original flatwound strings with a black coating.
there's a way to save your strings ... methylated spirit! ...

yeah ... string life saver .. especially when you spend like 40 over bucks for a set of DR hi-beams ... bleahs ...
exin said:
there's a way to save your strings ... methylated spirit! ...

yeah ... string life saver .. especially when you spend like 40 over bucks for a set of DR hi-beams ... bleahs ...

XO can?
ahkiatt said:
exin said:
there's a way to save your strings ... methylated spirit! ...

yeah ... string life saver .. especially when you spend like 40 over bucks for a set of DR hi-beams ... bleahs ...

XO can?

wah ... you so rich ah???!!! XO your strings ... why not you give me your XO then i sell and get a new bass!!! ... =P ...

no lah .. don't waste good drink ... methylated spirit can get super cheap .. works very well on your strings .. i'm sure you wouldn't want your dad to go crazy over you for using his XO right?? ...
anghoonking said:
where can u get this methylated spirit thing?i dont even noe wad is tht

some ppl say you can get it only when the moon is in alignment with orion's belt for the summer solstice.

other ppl say can get at hardware shop