How much does a standard fender pick guard cost?

i notice davis sells them really cheap, not fender brand, but still 3 ply and all that standard shapes and sizes of fender. i would choose those over fender's own production anyway.
Yeah that's the kind of stuff, I don't care if it's real fender as long as it fits. Thanks a ton, I will check them out this evening.
the genuine fender ones have different screw holes and sizing from the non fender ones. the position of the screw holes are out most of the time, u'll have to redrill. but redrilling = cheaper than fenders, i bought a mint green one for 80 dollars (if i rmb correctly, should be) from davis, heart damn pain lol. i think u shld go for a diff brand pickguard if ur guitar isnt a fender, but get the fender pg if ur strat is fender, and u dun wanna whack holes into the baby ^^
Fruitwine said:
the genuine fender ones have different screw holes and sizing from the non fender ones. the position of the screw holes are out most of the time, u'll have to redrill. but redrilling = cheaper than fenders, i bought a mint green one for 80 dollars (if i rmb correctly, should be) from davis, heart damn pain lol. i think u shld go for a diff brand pickguard if ur guitar isnt a fender, but get the fender pg if ur strat is fender, and u dun wanna whack holes into the baby ^^


i bought mine on yahoo auction much cheaper than that.

Not original fender, but screw hole fit nicely for my MIA fender. And the design quite unique
Oh, screw holes not in the right positions... never thought of that. Yes, mine is a fender MIJ strat, so I'd better check it out. Maybe I should take my current pick guard to compare.. or maybe just order it from the states, costs US$9.95 for OEM pg's there. Will just ask someone to bring it down.
yea im pretty sure i paid a big fat bomb for the pickguard. best part about it is that i can boast to anyone who would listen that it is genuine and bla bla bla. :D in any case, it sure looks good with my aged pickup covers ^^ so i aint complaining.

u might wanna try taking that pg out and comparing. maybe if one or two screws are out, then its okay? also make sure u check the cut for the neck, some other brands cut too big, or too small, compared to a fender, so must check that too.