I took about three months to get it really right, 1st few months were frustrating as shit man! all the uneven bird shit all come out, basket. but it kinda paid off after i passed the three month mark.
Becomes more clear and concise, and the can alternate between single and double.. My instructor always reminds me to practise singles and doubles at the same speed.. eg:
200bpm 16th note
the just keep looping, that kinda stuf mainly.. Also paradidles and other different kinda strokes might help like the 5 stroke the 6 stroke 7 stroke, so on and so forth..
Just make sure your going on 90 percent wrist and 10 percent bounce. If you rely to much on bouce theres no control to your strokes.
Or if you use your fingers then its all good man! i personally would love to learn how to use the fingers. the worlds fastes drummer technique. been trying but danm its frustrating. lol!
Carpe Diem!!