how important is color of ur guitar to you?


New member
Just wanna know how you guys feel about this.

Are you willing to miss a great deal because of the color of the guitar?

Eg. You only like blonde tele with maple board, someone is selling a white tele with rosewood board at a considerably cheap price. Will you get it or continue searching for blonde one.
To me, my guitar(s) is a sonic AND visual representation of myself. I deem both to be of equal importance. Art is after all, a marriage of style and substance.

That being said, I probably wouldn't pass up a RIDICULOUSLY good deal just because I don't like the colour.
I try to stay clear of white guitars, eventually there will be dings and it would look much more pronounced on it
I usually avoid black guitars with gloss finish. Oily marks, fingerprints and dust particles are more visible on this surface, hence a big turned off.
im okay with almost any guitar and colour, only thing is that for lespauls i can't really stand the solid colours other thn a gold top
I think it's the same to the whole buying clothes to match your tastes. So it's pretty important even if it's a subconcious decision.
no colour specifics; playability, QC & tone are more important considerations for me

maybe that's the reason why i have more black guitars because i go with other considerations & it happened to be that the black guitar is the best manifestation. trying to avoid black these days, but my next 3 are gonna be black. *sheesh*
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I'm going to be quite particular about the colour scheme of my guitar; like CyanideJunkie said, the guitar is a visual and aural representation of yourself. For tonality, you could always alter it by changing the pups to something that suits your liking (provided the guitar uses the tone woods you want) but changing the colour will be harder and more expensive.

I currently favour white guitars with the red tortoiseshell pickguard, hahaha.
In my opinion, the color matters quite a lot. You don't want to play a guitar you don't like the looks of do you? For example, I really don't like sunburst, which is a shame because a large proportion of guitars out there are sunburst
if the price is significantly cheaper, just buy it first. sell it only if you really can't bond with it or the guitar that you've been searching for pops up. who knows the seller might be interested in a trade.
Don't wanna appear shallow but yeah, think colour does matter. Was really interested in a Les Paul Supreme for sale at a good price. Unfortunately, the colour wasn't quite right and so, I decided to forgo the instrument.
I think the looks of the guitar is what draws you towards it in the first place. if that is the case, yeah, I guess colour is important

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