How do i remove rust from a guitar?


New member
I have got an ibanez guitar that i havent played for a while now its got rust on the pickups, bridge (allen screws), tuning posts and screws etc...any solution to this?
note: i said how to remove rust, not how to prevent it from happening. :D thanks
ey dude, is it like brown rust kinda rust? or just oxidisation? for rust it'll be quite delicate lah, much much easier to swap out the parts. alternatively, you can lightly oil it to prevent any more damage bro, just some damage control
yea man its the brown kind of rust..
im not sure of what oxidisation means..
and a lot of other threads of seen on other forums tell me how to prevent more damage from happening..but i just want to get rid of the current rust
ah dude, like i said, it'll be delicate la, you CAN take a fine grit sandpaper and VERY VERY VERY gently work your way down, but be VERY careful with it, occasionally use some wd40 or something to wipe what you've sanded.

oxidisation is kinda like rust la, causes the metal to change from its shiny colour to the matte looking dull kinda finish, as for your allen nuts, i'd say get new ones dude, you dont want to run the risk of not being able to remove them later on.
eh, i dont recommend painting over your pups bro, haha. but it'll be quite hard to paint over rust lah, it'll be uneven and look weird to say the least
Nah i dont mean the pups...i mean the screws and tuning posts and all...
maybe ill just paint it there a type of paint i can use to do this and where to buy?
You can use a very fine sandpaper, 1000 grit to remove the rust. Then, get touch up pen, those used for touching up paint on car to give a paint coat.
ryan z u seem to know a lot about ibanez guitars...
do u know any place to replace my floyd rose bridge and how much it costs?
Not that I know of... Single coil or humbucker? You can get it from Davis.
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what ibanez do u have? i have a do i kno which cover is good? have to show them ar
my pup layout is H S H..
Its an EDGE III bridge then. U hv to order it frm Ibanez and it'll be real might be a better option to go for a standard FR frm say Gotoh or Wilkinson. I think they do have pickup covers...........u can check with Mike. Davis might not have them, although its worth a try. And bro, ppl here are jus trying to give constructive comments, if someone posts something that doesn't seem relevant, jus leave it ya? No nd to be sarcastic or anything. Cheerz!
thanks for the replies...this is a little swaying from the topic lol...
yea i kno but i just hate posts that dont offer solutions and just say its not possible to remove rust...nvm ill just edit
Pickup covers for Ibanez pickups are different from the normal single coil. The poles spacings are different. I think Ibanez pickup covers are difficult to find.
I guess rusting is inevitable for guitars, maybe u cld bear with it for awhile and get a new one after the sound starts to get affected or the rust gets really bad. Then protect the parts with WD40 etc.