Home recording ?

Mix and match lor.

a) Some people Jack-in to an amp then amp output to mixer in or computer in.

b) Some people jack-in to effects then mixer/computer.

c) If you got good mics, you can jackin effects then to amps then use a microphone to pick up the sounds of the amp to mixer/computer.

The best I think is the C) because the characteristics of the amp can be recorded...but hard to achieve because the sonic characteristics of the room will affect the record quality....(plus mic quality..etc)

A) & b) is most cost effective and if ur effects have amp modellers, then enough lor...
what are good recommendations for a home recording? should i be investing in a Garage Band by apple, or should i get the other parts myself? i'm running on a HP zv series, multimedia wise is one of the best in its class. comes with harman/kardon speakers, and i've got a set of altec lansing home system (7 piece)

i'm recording more on the acoustic side, any suggestions? and my budget's $1k.

Are you already using a Mac? I presume so, since u mentioned Garage Band. Anyway Garage Band is a stripped down version of Logic Audio after Apple bought over the company. If you're on Mac, u might wanna look into MOTU's Digital Performer 4.
angeldogleslie said:
hmmmm but if i'm recording mutiple instruments ? i gotta hav a mixer rite den i can move it into a com ?

If you do that, u're bouncing the tracks. You wouldn't be able to control each individual track anymore. If you wanna be able to record multiple tracks simultenously, u need some kind recording interface that supports it. Some products like M Audio's Delta 1010, MOTU 896, Tascam FW-1884, etc...
i got this from damnesia's post at Kopitiam.. Topic: 'Where to do recording for a band'....

Actually u don't have to pay at all and u can record it at HOME..with the right budget hardware and software such as Cubase SX, Adobe Audition(easy to use), Sonar..beginners can do all the recording u want at home..even the drum tracks..for the drum tracks u can use NI Studio Real Drum Kits with NI Battery program and even pro can't notice the difference between drum programming and real live recording..the drum samples come with various velocities for the snare, toms, crash and bass drum..so it makes it sounds real..u can further shape the velocity or sound of the samples to ur own satisfaction..if ur drummer still not satisfied for not having a chance to whack his drums..u guys can always record only the drum tracks any studio..for the stringed instruments u can juz record by mic-ing ur amps or directly using mixer console dat is connected to ur soundcard..if u gonna record at home by mic-ing u need to make sure there is no other external noise and ur amp must be a good one for recording. Not the one that hums or make other noises. u will also need a proper cardiod dynamic mic not the one u use for karaoke. I recommend u connect ur guitar direct to ur mixer to record at home BUT the recorded track will sound "bassy" because mixer consoles accept low impedance balanced signal..ur guitar unbalanced output is meant for a guitar amplifier (high impedance) not for mixer dats y u need a direct injection box before connecting ur guitar directly to a mixer to match the impedance so it will sound exactly the way it output from ur amplifier when recorded. U can also connect ur multieffects pedal or stompboxes to ur d.i. box if u want or use ur audio software effects. U will definitely need a d.i. box for recording at home because u cannot always try to EQ those "bassy" sounded tracks to ur liking with ur audio software..u will not achieve the sound u want..u don't have to learn all those complex audio engineering theory to get pro recorded music..get a good low latency soundcard (i believe most computers now come with a good soundcard for recordings), a cheap Tapco mixer and d.i. box (u have to do some research which one suits ur instruments..ur guitars may have active or passive pickups so u have to choose between active or passive d.i. box..i recommend BBE DI-1000..its good for active and passive) lastly, all necessary sofware can be downloaded through Bittorrent..u need about $800 to get all those hardwares and u can do all the pro quality recording u want..share with members of ur band lah...
so, the thing is u dont have to get those M Audio, Tascam or watsoever if u r tight on budget. Recording one track at a time is much more easier to monitor and dis is how u can do it...and as suggested by damnesia, i tink $800 is damn expensive.

Actualli u can skip the mixer. u can juz use the software mixer in Adobe Audition 1.5, Sonar3 or Cubase SX. Juz get a low latency soundcard like Creative Audigy ZS Platinum Pro which offers alot of connectivity inputs. If u have that card then u don't need a mixer. u juz need a d.i. box so u can connect it to 1/4" input that comes with ZS Platinum Pro or any other cards with low latency dat comes with 1/4" input.

Without such input u need an adapter for ur instrument 1/4" jack. Me and my frens have tested it and the quality is damn good. Better than TNT. Im serious (sorry TNT) and seriously NO noise at all. The key to good sound and tone is the d.i. box. Like wat damnesia said. Its realli true. But we got ourselves a Radial JDI MK3. not the BBE one. U can do alot using dis cheap setup. Hope u guys find dis useful.
fixit said:
Juz get a low latency soundcard like Creative Audigy ZS Platinum Pro which offers alot of connectivity inputs. If u have that card then u don't need a mixer. u juz need a d.i. box so u can connect it to 1/4" input that comes with ZS Platinum Pro or any other cards with low latency dat comes with 1/4" input.

Just a point ot make
- Creative Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro (pls don't get lower end models of the Audigy 2 ZS; their ASIO drivers are cripple ware) = $355
* only the Platinum Pro has ASIO drivers that plays back at 24 bit/96khz. The lower end models ASIO drivers are all LIMITED to 16 bit 48 Khz playback.

- Creative Professional E-MU 1212M = $369

Just look at the prices and features. It's a no-brainer.
* only the Platinum Pro has ASIO drivers that plays back at 24 bit/96khz. The lower end models ASIO drivers are all LIMITED to 16 bit 48 Khz ..........

Audigy cannot "record" 24 bit. only can "play" 24 bit (if I am not wrong)

dats juz the SPECS of the card to make it sellable metallibeast..and some people might NEED 24/96 for DVD-Audio or authoring dats y its in the market...all ur metal CDs u listen now will be mixdown to 16/44.1 using Cubase, Sonar, Pro Tools or other leading ones itself before they are burned to a CD. '16/44.1, 2 stereo channels' is the standard currently.
the basics I'd recommend:

Line 6 PODxt - get all the amp sounds you need without waking the neighbours. Ships standard with around 30 amp models and about 20 cab models. Now at version 2.0 with around 70+ amp models as options (though you have to pay extra to get those online).

M-audio Delta 44 or 66 soundcard - 4 ins and outs, all 1/4 inch jacks (balanced or unbalanced), 24/96 resolution, ASIO.

Edriol MA10 monitors - don't try to mix on altec lansing pc speakers or even a hi-fi mini compo. Monitors are more neutral and don't colour the sound as much as hi-fis or pc speakers.

software is a matter of taste, but I prefer the simplicity of Sonar 3 and the versatility of Reason 2.5 for non-guitar sounds.

this is the setup I'm using at home. No need for a mixer, but I'm looking into mics and mic preamps, so might need a small one soon. check out the Behringer Eurorack UB502.

Isn't this a great hobby?

Good luck!
I wouldn't reccomend Creative Audigy 2, it may have a good sound for gamers and all, but recordingwise it's not exactly very good (so i've heard)

M-audio's good, if you're on a tight budget try out Audiophile, or the Revolutions 7.1 which i think is about $200?
Creative have bought up E-MU and release them under the "Creative Professional" (I think) banner for pro audio products.

Seems like high quality kit at 24/96 resolution, with great reviews from some pro audio mags. Can't remember the model names, but the lower priced ones cost about as much as or slightly more than an M-audio audiophile or Delta 66.
well, there's always Echo G3 (comig out soon)...or another one would be Echo Mia Midi. excellent drivers/converters. the mia midi will cost about $380. but as suggested, EMU is one to look out for. and then there's also the pricier but pretty good Marc Marian i think. more options for you to consider. cheers
what do u guys think of using a recorder like this:


if i wanted to record my own drum tracks, i could maybe use a couple of condenser mics placed in strategic plcaes aound the drum kit. and we could have either a live recoding session or record the tracks separately rite? i dont know much abt recoding stuff but i always thot of having a mini studio at home to record maybe some ideas.
I'm not too sure how much that costs, but i'd never advise an individual to purchase a multitrack recorder like this. I'd much rather invest the cash in a nice multiple input soundcard and record direct to the computer. Unless there's a lot of location work elsewhere that needs the portability.