Home recording. Help?


New member

I wish to start recording music at home, simple one adequate for demos. Can anyone recommend me:

1)tips on how to start
2)resources i can turn to
3)simple equip to buy, cause i intend to have this system portable (when i go overseas)

Appreciate it. Thanks! Or email me at spark_4eva@yahoo.com


Approximately $300, all in all?

I assume I need a:
1)good mic
2)program for editting and recording
3)some all-in-one effects pedal that allows also multitrack recording.

Can you help?
Since you want portable you can consider one of those firewire external midi/audio interfaces by m-audio and other brands. But I think 300 is not enough for everything.

if you're only recording guitar tracks to a PC, you can check out Zoom's G2.1u at City Music. It should be under 300 and it's bundled with Cubase LE software.

M-Audio's Fast Track Pro is around $380, comes with Ableton Live & guitar efx/amp simulator software. You'll still have to get a mic for vocals tho.


There's also a simpler version, Fast Track USB at $180. No Ableton.
yah good suggestions..

also i don't think you can get a multitracker at $300.. the most 2 channels i think. The fast track got 4 channels at $380?
I think you need a good mic & mic amplefier & PC(or MAC) & Software.

I think software is very improtant , because it is your weapon!

if you use one of kinds of software well, you will become a good record engineer.

I like Pro Tools and SAW Studio