Hole in the bass?


New member
Hey guys,

I don't drum but i'm asking this on behalf of my band drummer and because i need some advice.

I got a ludwig LC125 and when i bought it 3 years back,the bass drum doesn;t have a bass drum hole.

I'm doing some recording and realised that maybe a hole might help me get that attack of the beater by putting a mic in a hole.

How do i go about making a hole? I saw videos of making a tin hot then just "melting" a hole on the head.Does it actually really work?
Hey, you can simply get a round object and use it as a stencil plate. Use a pen knife to go around it. Most bass drum reso heads (front heads) are double ply, so make sure you go deep enough with the knife. As for the right size...try to cut as small a hole as possible to preserve as much bass drum tone as possible. I know alot of websites recommend certain sizing....but I mostly cut a 4" hole max...just enough to be able to point the mic into the drum if I need it to...make sure the hole is off-centred too..

use this?
