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i've posted an ad on luthermusic selling a guitalele for $100 and this guy in the uk replies. i'm rather suspicious. he doesn't write like a brit..... anyone has any experience i shipping guitars?

and here is the strange email:
"Thanks for the quick response,well am okay with the last asking price of the product and i have make the arrangement of the check payment which will be send by my associate who is owning me some worthy amount of money and he has agree to issue the check unbehalf of your name, so he will be issuing the amount of $2,700 for you in other to pay for the shipping agent company who are going to arrange for the shippment of the product and they are aware of the transaction that will take place and the shippment that will proceed in your location so the reamining balance will b e forwarded to the shipping agent company as soon as the check has arrived to your destination, and that will be done through western union money transfer security agent and most importantly for my associate to issue the check and forward it to your location he will be needing your details as follows :


So i will be waiting for the details as soon as possible so that the transaction can goes on fast and so that the arrangement can get on quickly.Once again thanks for the grate response over the interes and am located in UK........

strange eh?
obviously fake. a real buyer will be more personal in his email writing. and not produce generic work.
Yup obviously sounds like a scam. I don't even understand what he is trying to say, abt the $2700 etc.. where did $2700 come into the picture?Ignore him la.. :?
You'd think a brit would at least try to cut up that entire paragraph-long sentence up a bit.

Anyway even if it's true it's not worth so much hassle.
got this when i was selling off my bike last time
selling at $5000
but he offer to pay $7500 USD
i play the game with him
he send me cheque from a US bank
i called the bank personally and found the cheque was a dud
beware there are lotsa clowns & assholes there trying to be funny...

recently got ppl using my nic /email add to post hoax ad...

one time some clown claiming 2b from Soain wanted to buy my guitar....

BUT it's the nature of the beast....GOOD site to move my stuff doe...sometymes when the bloody idiot who put up hoax ad in my email or hp - i end up gettin to sell some other stuff to ppl who call or sms...

2 cents worth 4 u... 8)
newest reply:
"thanks foe the mail.Well as i sais in my last mail that i have an associate who is owing me that amount and he had agreed to issue the check for you so that as soon as you get the check and you have cash it the rest of the funds will be transfer through WESTERN UNION to the shipping company for the pikcup of the product and am a citizen of UK.So i want you to furnish me your full details so that the check payment can get to your location asap

ok nice fake brit accent laddy...so i've recommended him to try ebay.co.uk ....email me again or i'll call the coppers :roll:
if uve been selling and buying gear from the internet long enuff. there is bound to be 1 or 2 of these emails. in almost everycase, payment method would be by cheque. and they will pay in excess.
One of the greatest pranks of all time was once pulled on one of these scammers. Its the legendary p-p-p-powerbook prank.

What happens is in the UK, you actually have to pay taxes for shipments from overseas. So in order for the scammer to collect his delivary, he has to pay tax.

Usually what people do is they purposely under declare the price, so that their friend pays less tax. For example declaring a package to be $100 although it contains a laptop.

So what these guys did, they packaged a p-p-p-powerbook and declared it to be US$3000. The scammer ended up paying roughly 300pounds in taxes for...






More pictures and the story at http://www.p-p-p-powerbook.com/

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