Hip-Hop with da sounds of Old-Skool to Gangsta + Tiramisu


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SUPAcalifragilisticexpialidocious brings ya'all a Hip-Hop night
with da sounds of Old-Skool to Gangsta! Grimin' and crunkin' it up!!

Battles in da heartlands mah niggaz.

Poppin performance by 'Sontol Al Loyo', artist Rizman Putra will do a special performance for da gang at Supercali. Watch out ladies!!

DJ Topgear reprezentin' London bustin' up da amps and speakers with his fxxxed up choons!!

Lego-core 8-bit beats from Nanny State Noise will nurse your deprived ears. It'll be like an acid trip without the acid.

Whoo-ho-ho with Loong Loong Tam who will shame ya with his stonkin' set! This grandmaster will cast his ancient magic on da decks.

And lastly, Ducky Star will mess with your mind like a kid with a sledgehammer with her sick beats and nasty melodies.

Show yo respekt this 17th November, Friday at Gashaus (opposite ol' NAFA).

From sunset till late. Free entry granted to all b-boys and b-girls, brothas and sistas.